Deer Hunting 2014

What’s new for the 2014 deer hunt

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has announced the following changes for the 2014 deer hunting season.

Kale Rodgers, 14, of Lake Geneva, sits patiently in his hunting blind in Geneva Township opening week of deer bow hunting season in Wisconsin. (Photo by Heather Ruenz)
Kale Rodgers, 14, of Lake Geneva, sits patiently in his hunting blind in Geneva Township opening week of deer bow hunting season in Wisconsin. (Photo by Heather Ruenz)

Management Zones

The state has been divided into four Deer Management Zones that impact bonus permit availability and deer season structure. Nine DMUs are split by zone boundaries, have changed and are now designated by county and tribal reservation boundaries.

The Chronic Wasting Disease Management Zone has been dissolved. In its place is a CWD Affected Area that includes all counties in which baiting and feeding are prohibited.


Seasons, Bag Limits

Several changes have been made to the season and bag limit regulations, including:

• The new crossbow deer season runs concurrently with the archery deer season (it began Sept. 13 and runs through Jan. 4, 2015);

• The purchase of an archer license does not allow the use of a crossbow;

• The bow and crossbow deer seasons will now remain open statewide the day before the November 9-day Gun Deer Season. Furthermore, sighting in firearms and small game hunting with firearms are also allowed statewide that day;

• The December 4-day antlerless-only hunt will now only occur in the CentralFarmland and Central Forest zones; the Holiday Hunt has been shortened and will occur within the Southern Farmland Zone. Only antlerless deer may be taken by firearm, bow or crossbow.


Tags and licenses

For the 2014 deer season, the free statewide Archery-only Antlerless Deer Carcass Tag is no longer available. There will also not be any free CWD Management Zone or $2 Herd Control carcass tags available.

Youth hunters will receive an Antlerless Deer Carcass Tag, valid for an antlerless deer statewide, with each deer license and Class A and C disabled hunters will receive a free Farmland Antlerless Deer Carcass Tag, valid for an antlerless deer statewide, with each deer license.

In regards to hunting in state parks, they are no longer designated as individual DMUs. Hunting access permits are no longer required to hunt in state parks, but vehicle admission stickers are still required.

Disabled and U.S. Armed Forces members may no longer use their Gun Buck Deer Carcass Tag to tag an antlerless deer, but will be issued an Antlerless Deer Carcass Tag that can be used for this purpose statewide.


Bonus anterless permits

This year, bonus antlerless permits are now public and private land-specific, and are valid only in the Zone, DMU and property type (public or private) indicated on the carcass tag.



In 2014, all hunters must register their deer in person at a DNR registration station, unless selected in advance by the department to participate in the electronic registration pilot program.

Deer must now be registered by 5 p.m. the day after harvest, except during the November 9-day Gun Deer Season, when registration is due by December 1 at 5 p.m. (the day after the season ends).



While afield, no person may possess or transport another hunter’s deer, even after it has been registered (unless accompanied by the person for whom the carcass tag was issued). The carcass tag must be attached to the deer. However, anyone may still transport another person’s registered deer on a public road or possess it at a residence, camp or business.


Use of bows, crossbows

All hunters may now hunt deer with a crossbow during the crossbow-only deer hunting season, but must purchase a crossbow license.

Laws regulating the use of bows and crossbows for hunting within cities or villages may have changed. Hunters are advised to check with local city or village authorities for local ordinance restrictions.


Other new rules

Several other new rules are in effect this season, per the Wisconsin DNR. They include:

• It is illegal to discharge a firearm, bow or crossbow on, from or across state trails and other areas which are shown as closed to hunting within state parks;

• Hunters must review maps available at or a state park office before hunting;

• Albino and all-white deer are now protected statewide, including those found within the CWD Affected Area;

• Bonus-buck opportunities have changed and are only available in the Southern Farmland Zone;

• Antlerless deer must be registered in person at a DNR registration station before a Bonus-buck Authorization sticker is issued and before a hunter may harvest a bonus buck;

• Since 2013, department rules have allowed the use of rifles for hunting deer during most firearm deer seasons.

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