Facing repairs, sewer hook up, owner says ‘it’s time’
By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff Writer
Since March of 1976, a small building on the corner of highways 36 and W in Burlington has housed a family restaurant – one full of memories, style and attitude.
The doors on those memories will officially close Oct. 14, as The Cottonpicker restaurant will officially end its 36-year run.
Owner Bill Foster and his daughter Kathy Prailes confirmed Monday what had been circulating as rumors throughout the area during the weekend – that the restaurant would be closing.
Foster, who called it “a good ride,” said also that it was time.
“I’m going to be 69 years old,” he said. “I’ve got nobody to keep it going.”
Kathy and her husband, Dan, own The Cotton Exchange in Waterford, having purchased that from Bill and his late wife, Joan, two years ago.
For Kathy, the last several months have seen her trying to split her time between that business and The Cottonpicker.
“I would answer the phone wrong sometimes,” she conceded.
But in addition to the stress of trying to keep the books for two separate high-quality family restaurants, there was also the matter of Cottonpicker needing work.
The final straw, Foster said, was the City of Burlington saying the restaurant needed to finally hook up to the sanitary sewer – something that would cost around $100,000.
“I wouldn’t want to keep this going for the 10, 12 years it would take to pay it off,” Foster explained. Add in wanting to put a fresh new look on the interior of the restaurant, and Foster just knew it was time.
They told employees Friday.
“It’s heartbreaking,” said 22-year employee Darlene Fischer. “It’s a landmark. We’re family.”
Foster conceded that he could write 40 volumes of history on the business, from stories of customers to the service clubs that have used the restaurant for monthly meetings.
In fact, he said, the Burlington Lions Club gave him a standing ovation Monday night.
“They said it’s about time you can give it up,” Foster said.
That, in essence, is the problem.
“I can’t just walk out and retire,” he said. “There’s nobody running it.”
The land and building will go on the market soon, but neither Foster nor his daughter could guarantee what the five acres of land would be used for. Items from inside the restaurant will either be auctioned off or sent to The Cotton Exchange.
Oct. 14, a Sunday, will feature the restaurant’s normal brunch, and then an open house from 4-7 p.m. so people can come in and say goodbye.
“The memories, oh, gosh,” said Kathy Prailes. Employees are, in many cases, she said, “very sad.”
Fischer is one of those. But also, she understands.
“It’s just that things change,” she said. “Nothing stays forever.”
Government in the way of another business. Thank you Burlington for the shut down.
How sad,my parents,and my family enjoyed dining with you. I can understand your position but it will be missed.
Good Luck,
Al Gonder
Very sad. I had all my birthday dinners as a kid, at the Cottonpicker
Before moving south I worked for the Foster’s when they had the Plush Horse. Whenever I came back home I would enjoy a meal at The Cottonpicker.The atmosphere of the building will be missed but the memories will last.
This is a very sad time in everyone life who was a part of the Cottonpicker family. To many of us are lifes were changed working at the picker. Many people have come and gone but the memories are still in there hearts. Good Luck to you Bill, I wish you all the best.
That is sad, on many levels! I can remember going to the Cottonpicker when I was younger and felt it to be SUCH a treat (and at it was!)
We had special family dinners there, including my dad & step-mom’s 25th surprise wedding anniversary! I had planned to take me daughter there in Dec. to celebrate her graduation from college 🙁
The end of the “supper club” era in Burlington. Times are changing, but some things should not have to disappear altogether!
Not to mention they make GREAT baked french onion soup!!
I remember when I was little Joan would give us bread to go out and feed the ducks. Such a great memory from a small town establishment. While it is sad to see it go, I hope Bill enjoys his retirement – he surely deserves it.
I am real sorry to hear this. I have always thought the “picker” was the most clean, neat, and beautiful place around. The main stay @ lunch…”golden top turkey”…my favorite lunch for 20 years.
I suppose all good things must come to an end……
OMG……all the stories I have from the old Cottonpicker days. My girlfriends had very young children at that time. We would arrange to go for lunch and when the dinner waitresses would come in for work…..well we were still there solving all the problems of the world. Very sad day for all owners, staff and the entire community. Why does everything have to be so difficult….can’t we all work together for the good of people and the community. Best wishes for the staff and Bill adjusting to losing their “work” family. Very emotional for all involved. Bless them all as they adjust to an entirely new life and one that was NOT their choice.
Bill may Not Enjoy his Retirement..His Wife is gone and his other Wife, the Resturant is also going to be gone.. When you have a Job you Love to do and a wife that shared that love as well?
You can’t find a better combination for your Life..
and you never want it to end ..
Been there, done that Bill..
Can say you have been Blessed, but now that it’s all over? Doesn’t mean much , But it Helps..
So sorry to hear this news.The Schiemann family for years has had their Easter get-togethers there,and work lunches,New Years Eve dinners.All good things always come to an end.We wish you all the best.
Sorry to hear the news. I was there the day they opened and I will be there The day they will close. Many, many good times and I will miss them.
So sad. My time there was such a big part of my life. Great memories and great people. Best of luck to Bill and Kathy. I have great memories of you all.
Had my wedding rehearsal dinner there in 1984!
Lots of family celebrations there.
Sad. My husband and I got engaged there …almost 23 years ago!
So sad, you guys are like part of the family, will be missed so much
This is just heart breaking. Yet another part of the charm in living in Rochester/Burlington is shut down. Yep, Thanks a lot town of Burlington….I’m so sad.
I’ve been going to the Cottonpicker for many years, even before my wife and I started going there (she is related to the owners) and I’ve always enjoyed the food and the atmosphere there. I hate to see the end of another business. Great food, friendly wait staff and pleasent customers have made the CottonPicker a fantastic place to eat. Thank You Bill and family for many years of enjoyment, I for one am going to miss the CottonPicker.
How sad, that is so typical of what is killing small businesses in America. BTW, small businesses make up approx. 90% of the businesses in this country.
Way to go Burlington. Stay out of Waterford. We surley don’t need your help here. Thanks for nothing!!
Thanks to all the Liberals that believe an over reaching government is the answer well here are your results. Vote Conservative.
Sad to see you go. We’ve been going there since the beginning back when we were dating. Went there many times since for our anniversary. The best prime rib ever. Sure are going to miss those special times, but we are left with many good memories. May God bless you all.