Railroad offers to connect Calumet Street to Bridge Street
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
Looking to improve operations of its railway, Canadian National Railway Co. on Tuesday presented a proposal to expand an existing siding at the Burlington Committee of the Whole meeting.
The proposal, however, will require the railway to close the little-used Robert Street crossing and connect Calumet Street to Bridge Street. Calumet Street provides vehicle access to the city’s dog park and a water utility lift station, according to a city official.
The railway plans to extend the existing siding from just south of Robert Street to a point near Adams Street.
According to Jackie Macewicz of Canadian National, with the extension, the railway could become more efficient.
“Our trains will be coming in and out quickly, and more efficiently than what we see today,” she said, noting motorists will experience less time waiting at city railroad crossings.
With the extension, the Robert Street crossing will become obstructed.
Canadian National, which recognized the obstruction, offered to resolve the matter by connecting Calumet Street to Bridge Street, therefore, eliminating the Robert Street crossing.
Working with city staff and engineering consultants, Canadian National developed a preliminary design of the project.
The project includes closure of the Robert Street crossing, connecting Calumet Street with Bridge Street, and relocating utilities.
Knight Engineers and architect representative Don Grabowski, who helped design the project, said the project will not come at a cost to city taxpayers.
To read the full story pick up a copy of the May 17 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.