Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have fallen 3.3 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.90 per gallon yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 3,112 gas outlets in Wisconsin. This compares with the national average that has fallen 2.3 cents per gallon in the last week to […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
School Yard Park development continues
By Jason Arndt Correspondent The development of School Yard Park is nicely taking shape thanks to the Union Grove Lions Club again stepping up to the plate by donating additional money to add a foundation to the park’s four sets of bleachers. The Village Board has been […]
Proving that heroes do live forever
Police honor their fallen and those who step up By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief The solemn sound of Taps and the spine-tightening report of a rifle salute rang out from the balcony of Veterans Terrace May 15 as members of the City of Burlington Police Department honored law enforcement […]
Waterford again selected for Newsweek ‘Top Schools’ list
By Patricia Bogumil Editor Waterford High School leaders credit the efforts of local educators; the Waterford-area community in general; and students and their families in particular for the high school again being named by Newsweek magazine as one of the top high schools in the country. “It’s […]
Cost of school lunch is going up 10 cents
District says it must close gap with federal reimbursement By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer As expected, the Burlington Area School District had just one planned change in its school fees for the 2013-14 school year – and it passed unanimously through the BASD School Board Monday night. The change is […]
Baby burned, father charged
By Patricia Bogumil Editor A Rochester father was charged this week with physically abusing his infant son. According to the criminal complaint filed May 20 in Racine County Circuit Court: Gerald Lee Baumeister, Jr., 20, is charged with physically abusing and intentionally harming his four-month-old son, […]
Deputies attacked in traffic stop
By Patricia Bogumil Editor A 20-year-old Franksville man who was a passenger in a vehicle stopped for a traffic check appeared to be passed out, but as deputies tried to speak with him, he suddenly lunged and allegedly punched a deputy in the head. According to the criminal […]
WGSD and union impasse resolved in mediation
By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer The Waterford Graded School District board Monday night approved the 2011-12 contract with the Waterford Elementary Education Association. “Just to be clear, we’re finally putting to rest the contract, not for this year, not for next year, but for last year,” explained […]
City considers allowing restaurants to serve alcohol on sidewalks
By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer To serve or not to serve … that is the question. And it received a straightforward show of support Tuesday night at the City of Burlington Committee of the Whole meeting. With the City allowing outdoor dining in the public right of way in the […]
Local Memorial Day activities this weekend
Bixby-Hanson American Legion Post 171 has announced its Memorial Day program. • On Saturday, May 25, the Post will place flags on graves of eight local cemeteries, including the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery. • On Sunday, May 26, the Post conducts its annual memorial pilgrimage to […]