Three of four school boards have said “no” to a request to grant Waterford Graded a three-month extension for giving final notice of its intent to leave the Waterford Special Education Co-operative. Still, all those “no” votes are now somewhat moot, since the actual date for final notice was apparently […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
Union Grove Area Fund awards grant
Fire and Rescue Department receives $7,500 The Union Grove-Yorkville Fire and Rescue Department is the recipient of a grant from the Union Grove Area Fund. Brian McMahon, U.G. Area Fund Chairman, presented a check for $7,500 to Fire Chief Tom Czerniak on Jan 10. Also attending the presentation was Barb […]
Local organizations partner to help fire victims
By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Love Inc. Executive Director Bill Schoessling announced Thursday that his agency and Talmer Bank are partnering to set up an account to help victims of Wednesday night’s fire at Echo Lake Foods. Schoessling said an account is set up at Talmer Bank. People can send […]
Latest fire scene updates: Fire contained; evecuees allowed home
At noon today City of Burlington officials announced that evacuated residents have been allowed back to their homes in the vicinity of Echo Lake Foods. They have been advised to keep their doors and windows closed to prevent smoke infiltration. Among the other noon updates: The fire at Echo Lake […]
Fire burns into its 13th hour; Milwaukee Avenue traffic restricted
About 50 residents remain evacuated from their homes adjacent to Echo Lake Foods Area firefighters as of 6 a.m. Thursday were still on the scene of an eight-alarm blaze that stubbornly burned through the night and through the sprawling Echo Lake Foods plant on Honey Lake Road. Mayor Bob Miller […]
CDA awards $500,000 grant for riverwalk site redevelopment
TIF money to be used to fund apartments on contaminated site By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief The City of Burlington’s Community Development Authority on Thursday approved a $500,000 grant that will assist a developer in building an apartment complex on a contaminated site along the riverwalk at 200 Bridge […]
Major fire devastates Echo Lake Foods plant
Wind, falling temperatures complicate firefighting efforts at sprawling complex as nearby residences are evacuated An army of firefighters from the Burlington area and beyond is fighting a raging eight-alarm fire – as well as brisk winter winds and falling temperatures – Wednesday evening at Echo Lake Foods on Honey Lake […]
Winter weather advisory in effect until 6 p.m. Wednesday
The National Weather Service office in Sullivan has issued a winter weather advisory for all of Southeastern Wisconsin, including Kenosha, Racine and Walworth Counties, until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Here is the forecast for the three-county area: Rest of Wednesday…much colder. Occasional snow…possibly mixed with sleet late in the morning…then […]
For Bauman, charity begins close to home
Longtime local volunteer honored with Rotary Club Humanitarian Award By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief A lifelong Burlington area resident who transformed himself from humble farm boy to bank president was honored Jan. 21 by the Burlington Rotary Club with its Humanitarian Award. James Bauman – whose record of community […]
Kindergarten registration scheduled for Feb. 6-7
Union Grove Elementary School kindergarten registration is Wednesday, Feb. 6 and Thursday, Feb. 7, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Screening will not be done at registration time. At registration you will need to complete and turn in paperwork and sign up for an appointment for kindergarten screening. Paperwork for […]