School Board panel struggles to address perceived conflicts By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer After a public and heated discussion a month ago about just who should serve as citizen representatives on the Burlington Area School District various School Board committees, it seemed only a matter of time before the district […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
How ’bout some Clapton with your coffee?
Popularity of open mic night at local coffee house grows By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer If you stop into The Coffee House at Chestnut and Pine, you immediately get the sense there is more to the place than just coffee and tea. Co-owner Rhonda Sullivan said when the coffee shop […]
Focusing on test results
School improvement plans strive to improve measurable scores By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer While administrators in the Burlington Area School District stress that testing is a snapshot of a specific student at a specific period of time, those same tests are also a gauge of overall student achievement. As a […]
Aurora plans to close hospital birthing center
Local officials are concerned about an erosion of service in Burlington By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Aurora Memorial Hospital of Burlington will no longer deliver babies beginning next summer, shifting that service exclusively to Aurora Lakeland Medical Center in Elkhorn. While Aurora’s Burlington hospital and clinic will continue to […]
Woodpile catches fire
Firefighters from the Town of Burlington extinguish a blaze that broke out in a woodpile next to an outdoor wood-burning furnace on the Rice Family Farm, 29800 Bushnell Road, on Nov. 23. Firefighters from several other local departments stood by with addition manpower and equipment as town fire department succeeded […]
Rauch won’t seek another council term
By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer City of Burlington Alderman Steve Rauch announced at Nov. 20 City Council meeting that he will not seek a fourth term. Rauch, who represents the 3rd District, read from a statement during the aldermanic reports, saying the demands on his time by his family and […]
It’s one surprise after another on the WSD beat
By Patricia Bogumil Editor An attorney hired by three full-time employees of the Town of Waterford Sanitary District has made a written complaint to the Racine County district attorney’s office about how WSD conducts its meetings. That letter, sent Nov. 8 by attorney Paul Bucher to District Attorney Richard Chiapete, […]
Man tools over to jail after standoff in Yorkville
An argument in the Town of Yorkville over a toolbox resulted in a visit by the county SWAT team, which in turn led to accommodations at the Racine County Jail Saturday for a Racine County man. As of press time, Laurence Esser, 55, was being held in the jail on […]
Mixed signals
Aldermen question why work on traffic lights was delayed By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer While the city’s major road construction projects are done for the year, at least one similar project remains – and members of the City of Burlington Common Council wanted to know Tuesday night why it hadn’t […]
Taxes down, spending flat in village budget
By Patricia Bogumil Editor Property taxes will drop by 1.57 percent in the 2013 budget proposed for the Village of Union Grove. Expenses will rise slightly (1/10 of a percent), while the tax rate will increase by 34 cents, or just over 5 percent. Also, adding to that budgetary mix […]