Local officials putting final touches on 2013 budgets By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Both the city and town of Burlington are reaching the end of their respective 2013 budgeting processes. The City of Burlington held its final budget review session Tuesday night, going over water utility and wastewater treatment portions […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
Election: A tale of east and west
West end’s conservative support overwhelmed by east’s liberal lean With more than 90 percent of registered voters turning out at the polls in Racine County Tuesday, residents here learned once again that a deep divide exists in the political preferences of people on the east and west ends of the […]
Absetee, early votes could set state record
More than 545,000 voters requested absentee ballots so far – including more than 392,000 in clerks’ offices – for the Nov. 6 General Election, according to the state Government Accountability Board. “It is clear absentee voting plays an important role in the election, with more than half a million people […]
Gary Hanson receives wastewater operators’ technical award
Gary W. Hanson of Union Grove was awarded the distinguished Koby Crabtree Award from the Wisconsin Wastewater Operators’ Association during formal ceremonies held Oct. 9-12 at the Conference’s annual awards banquet. The Koby Crabtree Award is presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in the transfer of […]
Special ed viewpoints aired at WGSD meeting
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent While the Waterford Graded School District will definitely continue offering programs to special education students, the structure of its future offerings is clouded in controversy and uncertainty. About a dozen residents attended a WGSD Board meeting Oct. 22 to express concern about a Sept. 19 letter […]
Here’s a look at what’s on Tuesday’s ballot
By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Although the hotly contested presidential race and mud-spattered statewide senatorial race top the ballot for Tuesday’s election, there are a few local races voters need to be aware of as they enter the voting booth. Redistricting that took place last year has changed the […]
Honor Our Veterans program in Waterford
The annual Veterans Day program is Nov. 7 The second annual celebration to Honor our Veterans will take place Wednesday, Nov. 7, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., inb the lower banquet room of The Cotton Exchange, 345 Hickory Hollow Drive, Waterford. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. The event is sponsored […]
WSD personnel issues to be aired in public
By Patricia Bogumil Editor All three full-time employees of the Waterford Sanitary District have asked that personnel issues and problems be aired before the public. That request will be honored Wednesday, Nov. 7, when the WSD board next meets for its regular monthly session. Monday morning, all three WSD commissioners […]
Tax rate is up in final BASD budget
Sniping continues over teachers insurance plan By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Before the Burlington Area School District Board of Education finalized its 2012-13 operating budget, the two new board members got in their parting shots Monday night. Phil Ketterhagen and Roger Koldeway – both elected to the board in April […]
Early voting strains local resources
Area clerks ‘swamped’ as early voters flock to cast their ballots By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer The impact of early voting was one of the subjects discussed at the recent semi-annual Waterford “super board” meeting. The Oct. 23 meeting included representatives from the villages of Waterford and Rochester and towns […]