
News from throughout Western Racine County.


Apple harvest more tart than sweet

Extreme weather takes its toll on specialty varieties at local orchard By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer As you walk into the barn at Brightonwoods Orchard on highways 142 and B just south of Burlington, you can see the effect an early spring and dry summer has had on the apple […]

Burlington News

Area man dies in farm accident

A Burlington area man is dead and another in critical condition Friday night after a piece of farming equipment tipped over on an area farm Friday afternoon. According to Catholic Central High School officials, Clayton Weis – who drove school buses for athletic events for the school – died Friday […]


Village approves downtown grant rules

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent After months of scrutiny and discussion, the Waterford Village Board has approved a resolution on the façade and signage grant improvement program that has been under discussion in the downtown business Heritage District. The resolution, approved Aug. 27, points to a number of specific guidelines that […]


Conflict is in the eye of the beholder

School Board members weigh in on spouses serving as citizen representatives   By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer What exactly constitutes a conflict of interest? Depending upon whom you talk to now in the Burlington Area School District, it might be who has applied to be citizen representatives on the BASD […]


Cottonpicker will close

Facing repairs, sewer hook up, owner says ‘it’s time’ By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Since March of 1976, a small building on the corner of highways 36 and W in Burlington has housed a family restaurant – one full of memories, style and attitude. The doors on those memories will […]


Cost overruns OKd in farm drainage project

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent In a narrow 4-3 vote, Village of Waterford officials recently agreed to increase spending on a project to improve flooding in the Waterford Farm Drainage District by nearly $10,000. Village Administrator Rebecca Ewald came before the board Aug. 27 with a second change order on the […]


Gas prices fall; but they’re still on high side

Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have fallen 2.7 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.90 yesterday. This compares with the national average that has fallen 4.3 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.81, according to gasoline price website Including the change in gas prices […]