Extreme weather takes its toll on specialty varieties at local orchard By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer As you walk into the barn at Brightonwoods Orchard on highways 142 and B just south of Burlington, you can see the effect an early spring and dry summer has had on the apple […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
Area man dies in farm accident
A Burlington area man is dead and another in critical condition Friday night after a piece of farming equipment tipped over on an area farm Friday afternoon. According to Catholic Central High School officials, Clayton Weis – who drove school buses for athletic events for the school – died Friday […]
Prescription drug collection set for Saturday
Racine County residents can turn in their unwanted prescription drugs from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29, at the Dover Town Hall, 4110 S. Beaumont Ave., Kansasville. The Take Back drug collection is being held by the Racine County Sheriff’s Office, Western Racine County Health Department and […]
Village approves downtown grant rules
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent After months of scrutiny and discussion, the Waterford Village Board has approved a resolution on the façade and signage grant improvement program that has been under discussion in the downtown business Heritage District. The resolution, approved Aug. 27, points to a number of specific guidelines that […]
Conflict is in the eye of the beholder
School Board members weigh in on spouses serving as citizen representatives By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer What exactly constitutes a conflict of interest? Depending upon whom you talk to now in the Burlington Area School District, it might be who has applied to be citizen representatives on the BASD […]
Cottonpicker will close
Facing repairs, sewer hook up, owner says ‘it’s time’ By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Since March of 1976, a small building on the corner of highways 36 and W in Burlington has housed a family restaurant – one full of memories, style and attitude. The doors on those memories will […]
Library program will highlight historic gardens
Marcia Carmichael, historical gardener at Old World Wisconsin and author of “Putting Down Roots: Gardening Insights from Wisconsin’s Early Settlers” will give a presentation on Saturday at the Burlington Public Library. The program, which is free and open to the public, begins at 1 p.m. at the library, 166 E. […]
Common Council tables motion on new pavement
By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer After coming up with a variety of solutions other than the one presented to be voted on Tuesday night, the City of Burlington Common Council finally tabled a proposal to place T-turnarounds in the Spring Brook Landing development. At the Sept. 4 Committee of the […]
Cost overruns OKd in farm drainage project
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent In a narrow 4-3 vote, Village of Waterford officials recently agreed to increase spending on a project to improve flooding in the Waterford Farm Drainage District by nearly $10,000. Village Administrator Rebecca Ewald came before the board Aug. 27 with a second change order on the […]
Gas prices fall; but they’re still on high side
Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have fallen 2.7 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.90 yesterday. This compares with the national average that has fallen 4.3 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.81, according to gasoline price website WisconsinGasPrices.com. Including the change in gas prices […]