
News from throughout Western Racine County.


Belt-tightening in progress for graded schools

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent       Faced with a projected $612,000 reduction in state aid this school year, officials in the Waterford Graded School District are scrutinizing expenses in 2012-13 and beyond. “When we talk about strategizing and sending a message to the community, I want people to be informed,” Superintendent […]


Steady as she goes

BHS’s ACT scores remain above state average By Ed Nadolski Editor in chief Scores posted by Burlington High School students last school year on a popular college admissions test remained essentially steady for the fifth time in six years. According to information released recently by the state Department of Public […]


School District moves forward with technology

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With the dawn of another school year, officials in the Waterford Graded School District are gearing up for a number of initiatives – including opportunities to harness the latest in 21st-century technology. Members of the School Board’s Technology Committee met recently and discussed what is on […]


Road weary

Construction patience grows thin, but officials say work is on schedule By Ed Nadolski Editor in chief When it comes to road construction, progress can be deceiving – at least that’s what City of Burlington officials are saying regarding the work along Milwaukee Avenue. City officials issued a press release […]