New company resumes operation at former JW Peters facility By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Having sat idle for three years, there were some surprises at the former JW Peters precast concrete manufacturing site in Burlington last week. Reopening under the name KW Precast, the first concrete slabs were poured with […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
Feds upgrade area’s air quality rating
On Tuesday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that air quality for six southeastern Wisconsin counties had improved enough to change the area’s status from nonattainment to attainment. This action formally recognizes that the area has now met a 1997 federal air quality standard for ground-level ozone. The counties that […]
Gas prices spike this week
Pipeline problems are to blame, analyst says Motorists should be aware of the likelihood of rising gas prices in Wisconsin this week. “I expect a majority of gas stations to have increased prices at least 10-35 cents per gallon by Friday evening with most stations starting to raise prices as […]
Young volunteer treasures her years of senior moments
Anita Blatnik, 18, Waterford, has been recognized by the Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Programas one of more than 2,200 young volunteers nationwide who have made a positive impact in their communities through volunteerism. She was nominated, and selected, for the Kohls award for her years of volunteerism at Waterford Senior Living. […]
An Olympic connection
Rowing twins are a source of pride for local family By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief People throughout the world watch the Olympics for the competition, pageantry and pride. But there are those among us who watch the games with a special connection that goes beyond the ordinary. In the […]
Emily had a little lamb
Raymond 4-H Club member Emily Hebron leads her sheep around the auction ring at the Racine County Fair in Union Grove on Saturday. (Photo by Julie Rossman)
Traffic signal changes set for September
Work will dovetail with local street improvements By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer As the summer drags on, so does the plan to modify some of the City of Burlington’s traffic signals. The start of the traffic light modification – the result of a traffic study done by engineering consultants Kapur […]
Fire and rescue restructuring eyed
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The structuring of the Village of Waterford’s fire and rescue department could soon be overhauled, based on a proposal presented earlier this month. The Village Board, in a 6-1 vote, decided to move forward and enlist the services of a consultant to look into a number […]
Digital radio system rising above glitches
City’s upgrade had a bumpy start By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer When the City of Burlington decided to make the switch to a digital police radio network, the original plan was to have everything operating by this spring. That hasn’t exactly happened as scheduled, but the digital radios are in […]
No lawsuits planned over Town Hall lease
But other actions could be taken By Patricia Bogumil Editor No litigation is being contemplated over the $1/year, 99-year lease at the Waterford Town Hall, according to Donna Block, treasurer for the Town of Waterford Sanitary District (WSD), which owns the municipal building. But WSD commissioners are exploring other strategies […]