
News from throughout Western Racine County.


Continued climb in gas prices predicted

Average retail gasoline prices in Wisconsin have risen 5.6 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.56 Sunday. This compares with the national average that has increased 0.4 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.50, according to gasoline price website Including the change in gas prices […]


Coffee and community

New downtown shop aims to make a potent connection By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer The building at the corner of North Pine and East Chestnut streets has seen many different uses. In the past 30 years, it has been a shoe store, a gift shop, a clothes resale shop, a […]


On target yet again

BHS shooting team bags another national title By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer For five years, the Burlington High School trapshooting team tried to make a name for itself – as national champions – at the Scholastic Clay Target Program National Championships in Sparta, Ill. The last two years, the Demons […]

Union Grove

Meat seller charged in slashing

By Patricia Bogumil Editor A possible dispute over illegal drugs not taken for awhile, as well as the issue of who should sit in the Lazy Boy chair, allegedly lead to an attempted first-degree homicide charge filed against one of three Michigan men selling meat to Milwaukee bars from the […]


Median drive brings charges

By Patricia Bogumil Editor A 39-year-old Waukesha man faces a fifth charge of Operating While Intoxicated after passersby reported a driver was slumped over in a car that had stopped in the median along Highway 36 by the intersection with Big Bend Road. According to the criminal complaint filed July […]


A bargain hunter’s bonanza

Rummage sales now part of sidewalk shopping event Burlington becomes a bargain hunter’s dream this weekend as the local Chamber of Commerce hosts its first Communitywide Sidewalk and Rummage Sales. The event is set for Friday and Saturday throughout the city. The sales generally run from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., but […]


Town OKs police contract for village

Village expected to consider police switch at Monday meeting The Waterford Town Board made history July 26, unanimously voting to approve a contract to provide joint policing services in 2013 for the Village of Waterford. The signed document was then hand-carried over to the Village Hall by village Trustee Roy […]