Author: Ed Nadolski


Jefferson St. remake a test case for city

Similar improvements could be incorporated into pending Pine St. project By Jason Arndt Staff Writer City of Burlington officials are exploring ways to soften the downtown area through streetscape improvements and could use the Jefferson Street reconstruction project set for this summer as a test case. The Jefferson Street project, […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      These days, with school budgets as tight as a lid on a pickle jar, districts find it nearly impossible to undertake needed capital projects without going to a referendum. So, how the Burlington Area School District will finance a $3.6 million master plan for its outdoor athletic complex at […]


A lesson in environmental responsibility

    Area children had a chance to get a hands-on lesson in composting and recycling during a recent program hosted by the Rochester Public Library. Kan-Do 4-H Club member Victoria Van Dan led the program. The young participants helped construct and feed a compost bin in the Rochester Community Garden, […]


Fire station expansion nearly complete

Village of Waterford will consolidate fire services at site By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The expansion of Waterford Fire Department’s solo station is nearly complete, according to a brief update on the extensive project. At a Village Board meeting April 11, WFD Fire Chief Rick Mueller gave a report on the […]

Union Grove

Union Grove considers sidewalk rules for businesses

Goal is to have clear guidelines for outdoor dining, sales displays By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A revised, potentially streamlined, set of regulations concerning the use of municipal sidewalks could soon be put in place for Union Grove businesses — particularly those situated along the downtown corridor. The village’s Administration Committee, […]


City to share alley costs

Most of the repair work will be done in next three years By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Property owners with deteriorating alleys will be able to share improvement costs under an ordinance endorsed from the Common Council on a divided April 6 vote. In the ordinance amendment approved, 4-3, the […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      For months, Burlington Area School District officials have been warning people about the financial challenges the district faces in the coming year. On Monday, the other shoe dropped. The shoe drop came in the form of a preliminary budget proposal that has a $2.4 million deficit. Officials have months […]