Zmudzinski has been with the department 17 years The City of Burlington Police and Fire Commission has selected current Lt. Brian Zmudzinski to be the city’s next police chief. City officials announced the decision Wednesday afternoon. Zmudzinski is poised to replace Mark Anderson, who has been in the position since […]
News from the Burlington area
In this week’s Standard Press…
It’s every parent’s nightmare to have their child victimized at school by a staff member they should be able to trust. That’s what some parents at Burlington’s Dyer Elementary School are dealing with in the wake of allegations of sexual assault of a student by staff member. A story […]
Police investigating misconduct allegations against teacher’s aide
School officials say aide is no longer affiliated with district By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The City of Burlington Police Department on Friday confirmed it is actively investigating allegations of inappropriate contact with students by a former Dyer Elementary School staff member. The staff member — who […]
Police chief announces retirement; city interviews potential replacement
By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The City of Burlington Police and Fire Commission interviewed two candidates to succeed retiring Police Chief Mark Anderson Thursday in a closed session. However, it is unclear if the two candidates are finalists, or if they are officers within the police department, since the […]
Jefferson St. remake a test case for city
Similar improvements could be incorporated into pending Pine St. project By Jason Arndt Staff Writer City of Burlington officials are exploring ways to soften the downtown area through streetscape improvements and could use the Jefferson Street reconstruction project set for this summer as a test case. The Jefferson Street project, […]
In this week’s Standard Press…
These days, with school budgets as tight as a lid on a pickle jar, districts find it nearly impossible to undertake needed capital projects without going to a referendum. So, how the Burlington Area School District will finance a $3.6 million master plan for its outdoor athletic complex at […]
City to share alley costs
Most of the repair work will be done in next three years By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Property owners with deteriorating alleys will be able to share improvement costs under an ordinance endorsed from the Common Council on a divided April 6 vote. In the ordinance amendment approved, 4-3, the […]
Consultant invites public to talk about Echo Lake
Thursday event is the first of several planned By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The firm tasked with developing an Echo Lake Master Plan, has scheduled the first of several community engagement events on Thursday at Low Daily Brewery, 700 N. Pine St., Burlington from 4:30 until 7 p.m. Peter Riggs, […]
In this week’s Standard Press…
For months, Burlington Area School District officials have been warning people about the financial challenges the district faces in the coming year. On Monday, the other shoe dropped. The shoe drop came in the form of a preliminary budget proposal that has a $2.4 million deficit. Officials have months […]
Library sets plan for future expansion
But $9 million plan is not high priority for city By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Burlington Public Library serves nearly 20,000 people from multiple jurisdictions. But, considering the structure’s relative size and steady population growth in the area, the library faces long-term challenges to accommodate community needs. Joe Davies, […]