
News from the Burlington area


Primary slated for School Board seats

Former board president drops out of race By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Voters in the Burlington Area School District will have a chance to cast ballots in a primary election next month after seven residents, including two incumbents, filed for candidacy seeking two seats on the Board of Education. Additionally, […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

A Burlington alderman’s attempt to provide another dam removal option for consideration by his colleagues on the City Council appeared to find little traction Tuesday. While the other alderman politely received Shad Branen’s presentation, members of the public were not so kind – including a woman who called the plan […]


Burling to retire as BHS principal

Longtime educator hailed as an advocate for students By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Burlington High School Principal Eric Burling sent his own three children through the school he runs along with thousands of other students he also considers his kids. “He is one of the most loyal, humble, and […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Most people in the Burlington area remember the St. Francis Friary as a place of beauty, peace and history. That’s why it was jarring for many to learn this week that the sprawling complex on Burlington’s north side is at the heart of a proposal that would bring 182 […]


Spelling out a doggone good lie

Chicago man’s tale wins Liar’s Club contest for 2021 By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Burlington Liars Club has recognized former area resident Gerard Vail as the winner of the 2021 Lie of the Year. Vail, who grew up on the north end of Browns Lake in Burlington, now lives […]


Surge has hospitals worried

Advocate Aurora reaches all time high for COVID cases By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Advocate Aurora Health recorded an all-time high in COVID-19 hospitalizations this week and officials from the two-state hospital system warned the trends could become worse. Chief Nursing Officer Mary Kingston said in Monday’s news briefing the […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      With an area hospital system reaching record numbers of COVID-19 patients this week, Advocate Aurora Health is warning that things could get worse. “These are very concerning numbers, not just numbers, but people who are so ill that they require hospitalization and this points to the critically important need […]


City calculates dam costs

Options to improve or remove would cost average homeowner between $20 and $89 annually By Jason Arndt Staff Writer As residents and local officials mull the fate of the Echo Lake dam, including potential removal, many have posed another question. “The city has been asked what the Echo Lake Dam […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      The year 2021 is best defined by the acronym that dominated headlines throughout the world for the second straight year: COVID-19. The pandemic touched lives in every corner of the community as it ebbed and flowed. It led to an unruly School Board meeting as parents protested the possibility […]