
News from the Burlington area


Welcome to the neighborhood

Medical helicopter gets warm reception at Burlington base By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Flight for Life emergency helicopter service officially landed in the City of Burlington earlier this month. But on Monday, in front of hundreds of community members, officials from Flight for Life and the City Burlington celebrated the […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Whatever City of Burlington officials decide about the future of the Echo Lake Dam – improve the dam or remove it – the greatest cost going forward will be in dredging the lake or rehabilitating the drained lakebed. Both options pose funding challenges for the city and fail to […]


VETERANS DAY: A hero for the ages

Boulden honored as congressional district’s Veteran of the Year Standard Press Staff Bob Boulden joined the United States Marine Corps when he was 18 years old in 1948. He traveled with a small box camera and documented his experiences in Hell Fire Alley and the harrowing trek out of North […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      The City of Burlington is working to fundamentally change the way its residents and businesses pay for the system that handles runoff from rain. The goal is to create a dedicated entity with the funds needed to maintain and expand the stormwater infrastructure. But shifting from a system that […]


Antigo murder suspect arrested in Burlington

City of Burlington police said they arrested a suspect in a northern Wisconsin homicide near Aurora Medical Center Burlington, 252 McHenry St., on Wednesday evening after acting on a tip from other law enforcement agencies through the Wisconsin Crime Alert Network. Local officers were notified at 7:14 p.m. Wednesday that […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Having been to the state tournament in 12 of the past 13 years, you’d think the thrill of winning would have lost some of its shine for the Burlington High School girls volleyball team. Don’t believe it for a second. That’s because the 2021 version of the Demons overcame […]


Spooky City, Autumn Fest set for Saturday

  By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Downtown Burlington will be bustling with traffic, and people dressed in costume, Saturday as Spooky City and Autumn Festival return after a one-year COVID-19 induced hiatus. Spooky City, an annual event dating back decades, kicks off the day’s festivities and features pumpkin decorating and […]


City moves to demolish building

Final decision is slated for Nov. 2 meeting By Jason Arndt Staff Writer A blighted building on Pine Street that city officials previously called an eyesore could be slated for demolition under a proposed contract with Gunderson Excavating, Inc. Gunderson Excavating, Inc. and Disposal Service, one of two formal contractors […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Several years ago when Foxconn predicted it’s new plant in Mount Pleasant would bring as many as 13,000 jobs to the area municipal officials throughout the county took notice. Foxconn’s prediction – which turned out to be off base and mostly empty – nonetheless prompted local municipalities to think […]