
News from the Burlington area


Where to vote in the Burlington area

Here is a list of local polling places that will accommodate voters in their respective communities for the Tuesday, April 3, election. All polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. • City of Burlington residents living in Aldermanic Districts 1 and 2 cast ballots at Cross Lutheran Church, […]


Residents rail against ‘eyesore’

Town gives owner May 1 deadline to clean up property   By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer The property at 246 Teut Road has become something of a local lore in Burlington – and not for a good reason. “People say, ‘You live next to that mess?’” explained Noel Showers, who […]


Stark contrasts

Whether harsh reality or ‘scare tactic,’ school budget offers tough choices   By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer Late last week, the Burlington Area School District sent out a press release, outlining four different budget scenarios – at one end, extensive cuts under a zero-percent tax increase levy; and at the […]


School Board race likely to drive local turnout

Robust interest seen in Tuesday’s election By Ed Nadolski Editor in chief If recent history is any indication, upwards of 40 percent of local voters will likely turnout for Tuesday’s spring election. Enticed by a hotly contested local School Board election and the Republican Presidential Preference Primary, Burlington voters have […]