Through the years, Love Inc., the independent social service agency based in Burlington, has made it a priority to ensure that its clients have a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Whether it is providing all the fixings for making the meal at home, or working with St. John the Divine Episcopal […]
News from the Burlington area
BASD advances anti-racism policy
But coalition says it will continue to protest until a mutually agreeable policy is proposed By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Burlington Area School District, which has been scarred by racial-charged incidents in recent months, advanced a proposed anti-racism policy Nov. 16 with possible final adoption tentatively scheduled for a […]
Your chance to ‘Lend a Hand’
Drive will provide newspapers for nursing home residents While most people have grown tired of restrictions on everyday life caused by the coronavirus, residents in extended care and nursing facilities are bearing the brunt of the pandemic. Considered high-risk for COVID-19 and separated from loved ones and other visitors, those […]
Burlington to close city buildings to public
Move is in response to surge in coronavirus cases Reacting to the surge of COVID-19 cases in the area, the City of Burlington will close its buildings to the public beginning Monday, Nov. 23. The order includes City Hall, the public works facility, wastewater treatment plant and the fire station, […]
Donation dumping overwhelms store
Salvation Army asks people to donate only during business hours By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Burlington Salvation Army store, 248 S. Pine Street, has experienced an overwhelming volume of donations that caused concern for city officials in recent weeks. Gregory Guidry, City Building Inspector, said the concerns stem from […]
In this week’s Standard Press…
While their intentions were probably good, the actions of some who dumped donations outside the Salvation Army thrift store in Burlington created a mess on multiple levels. The massive pile of furniture, clothing and household items created an eyesore on the south side of the store. It also placed […]
County to weigh in on gravel pit proposal
Firm seeks permit to mine at former campground site By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Racine County Economic Development and Land Use Planning Committee will weigh in on two items related to a proposed gravel pit in the Town Burlington on Monday. The committee, which meets at Ives Grove, […]
In this week’s Standard Press…
The local school board was scheduled to discuss the status of an anti-racism policy Monday night. But the Burlington Area School District Board of Education never got to that agenda item after members of an emotionally charged audience began chanting and confronting district officials and board members over a […]
Burlington’s Christmas parade canceled
City Council denies permit for event based on COVID-19 concerns The Burlington Common Council remained consistent with an earlier decision Monday when it voted not to allow the annual Christmas parade sponsored by the Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce. On a 5-3 vote, the council denied a special event permit […]
School Board meeting shut down as protest erupts
Tensions boil over as protesters demand action on racism By Mike Ramczyk Correspondent Much like September’s Burlington Area School District Board of Education meeting, people were allowed three minutes to speak out on recent racial incidents and potential anti-racism policies Monday night at Karcher Middle School. But unlike September’s meeting […]