Union Grove

News from the Union Grove-Kansasville-Yorkville area

Union Grove

Kash for Kidneys fundraiser set

North Cape School and its Student Council are joining together in a fundraising effort to honor first-grade teacher, Mrs. Jessica Harris. In November, Harris made a living kidney donation to her father, and after learning about this, the Student Council decided to assemble a school/community-wide fundraiser called Kash for Kidneys. […]

Union Grove

Drainage district funding OKd by Raymond, mulled by U

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Members of the Union Grove Village Board and Raymond Town Board offered different viewpoints this week as they discussed their community’s relationship with the Yorkville/Raymond Farm Drainage District. Heads of the drainage district are requesting its three member municipalities collectively contribute $50,000 annually for the next […]

Union Grove

Yorkville gain is East Troy’s loss

Amy Foszpanczyk hired as new principal By Patricia Bogumil Editor With words of praise, best wishes and definite reluctance, the East Troy School Board approved the resignation of Amy Foszpanczyk March 9 ­– an action eagerly anticipated by the Yorkville School Board of Education. At its March 12 meeting, the […]

Union Grove

Vos and Wanggaard set listening sessions

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, and Sen. Van Wanggaard, R-Racine, are holding joint listening sessions on Monday, March 23, in their Racine County districts. The sessions are an opportunity to hear from residents about the proposed 2015-17 biennial budget from Gov. Scott Walker. The schedule includes: • Burlington Council Chambers, […]