

Fresh off the farm

LarryVille Farm’s Michelle Cannon (left) Hands a bag of tomatoes to M.T. Boyle at the Burlington Farmers Market last week. The market, held Thursday afternoons at Wehmhoff Square, runs through October. (Photo by Jennifer Eisenbart)


A day of firsts

Burlington Area School District Superintendent Peter Smet walks with a group of kindergarteners to the first day of classes at Cooper School in Burlington Tuesday. It was also a first day of sorts for Smet, who became superintendent in July after serving for many years as the district’s business administrator. […]


For a good c.a.u.s.e.

Members of the Fox River C.A.U.S.E. (Citizens Against Underwater Silt and Erosion) are conducting their annual canoe cleanup of the Waterford waterways on Saturday, Sept. 8, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Volunteers are welcome. Meet at Fox River Landing, 31421 Bridge Dr. Canoes, trash bags, beverages and lunch at […]


Bluegrass jam

 The Racine County Rounders perform at the Dover-Kansasville Hometown Picnic Saturday at Eagle Lake County Park. The new event featured a variety of activities for area residents. (Photo by Jennifer Eisenbart)