
News from throughout Western Racine County.

Burlington News

Mother charged with child neglect

A 32-year-old Burlington woman is charged with child neglect after allegedly leaving her 8-year-old home alone in their apartment. Molly Muhlenbeck was accused of child neglect – a Class A misdemeanor – after police were summoned to the apartment on Milwaukee Avenue Aug. 25. Muhlenbeck is due in court Sept. […]

Burlington News

BASD preschool screenings set

Preschool screenings for the 2015-16 school year will be held throughout the Burlington Area School District for any child between the ages of birth to 5 years old who is not attending 5-year-old kindergarten. Parents with children within this age range, who are concerned about his/her development, are encouraged to […]

News Waterford

Draw down plan remains under scrutiny

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent As a concrete decision waits in the wings from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, local officials continue to weigh in and scrutinize plans concerning the anticipated drawdown of the Fox River. The Norway-Dover Drainage District is spearheading the campaign to drawdown portions of the river. […]

Burlington News

BHS to host ACT prep course

Burlington High School and the Burlington Community Education Department will offer an ACT prep course through Wisconsin Test Prep this fall and spring. The a 16-hour is course spread over seven sessions, focusing on English, math, reading and writing and science – the content areas of the exam. Practice tests […]

News Union Grove

Trustee steps down in Union Grove

By Maureen Vander Sanden Correspondent Trustee Teresa Holm was given a warm recognition and send off by the Union Grove Village Board of Trustees at the conclusion of Monday’s board meeting. “Teresa has always brought passion and commitment to her role,” said Village President Michael Aimone, before presenting her with […]

Burlington News

Annual meeting attracts just one speaker

By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor After five consecutive annual meetings with numerous speakers – and most against raising taxes – there was just one speaker at Monday night’s Burlington Area School District annual meeting. And Normandie Byrne, after explaining she had reached an age where she could speak her mind candidly, […]