By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor The Burlington High School one-act play production team might be on the most successful run of any activity in school history. The one-act play – this year, it’s the musical “Lucky Stiff” – performed at a sectional competition Saturday in Waukesha and advanced to the Wisconsin […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
Lahner to leave Burlington for Waukesha
He has been city administrator for seven years By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor The City of Burlington is in the market for a new city administrator. Kevin Lahner announced via Twitter late Friday afternoon that he would be taking a similar position in the City of Waukesha. “Mixed emotions today,” Lahner […]
Furniture store finds a buyer
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor An iconic downtown Burlington building will likely have a new owner next week. The Schuette-Daniels Furniture building, which has sat empty since April when a fire devastated the business, is expected to be sold to Shad and Kristine Branen. The scheduled sale closing is Monday. The […]
Residents rail against shelter location
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor Burlington residents aren’t convinced the Women’s Resource Center of Racine needs to place a domestic violence shelter in the city. What’s more? Those same residents can’t fathom why the WRC would choose a building across the street from a school. Just two weeks after word of […]
BASD declines to buy church adjacent to school
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor With a facilities study looming in the near future, the Burlington Area School District Buildings, Grounds and Transportation Committee turned down an offer to purchase a church Monday evening. Grace Church, which is across the street from Cooper Elementary School in Burlington, is selling the property […]
Vos re-elected Speaker of the House
Robin Vos, who earned re-election to the State Assembly in District 63 last week, was re-elected Speaker of the House Monday. Vos (R-Rochester) issued the following statement after the members of his caucus selected him as Assembly Speaker for the 102nd Wisconsin State Legislature in a unanimous vote. “I’m honored […]
TIF changes, water rate hike will have to wait
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor Wednesday’s planned Committee of the Whole and Common Council meetings were cancelled Tuesday due to lack of a quorum. The meetings had already been pushed back a day because of Tuesday’s elections, but ended up short of the quorum by one. The City Council needs at […]
Transition planned as public health contract ends
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With the big switch imminent, local leaders are bracing for a new public health department agency when 2014 gives way to 2015. Early this year, officials with the Burlington-based Western Racine County Health Department announced the agency was disbanding Dec. 31. Member municipalities — including […]
Waterford Graded sets 4K registration
Registration for the optional 2015-16 four-year-old kindergarten program for Waterford Graded School District is Tuesday-Wednesday, Nov. 18-19, 1-7 p.m., in the Trailside Elementary School library, 615 N. Milwaukee Ave. Bring copies of child’s immunization records and birth certificate. Parents will also schedule a screening for their child, being […]
Board takes long look at advertising in schools
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor When the Burlington Area School District School Board sent advertising, sponsorship and naming rights policies back to a committee for more work last month, one comment made was that the policies were too long. As became readily apparent Monday night in the November Policy Committee meeting, […]