
News from throughout Western Racine County.


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Twice in the past 10 months Burlington Area School District Board of Education members opted to suspend meetings and summon police to disperse the crowds after public comment periods crossed the line from constructive to unruly. Some of those who attended accused the board of unilaterally silencing their voices […]


Flight for Life wins approval for local base

  Flight for Life medical transport service plans to be up and running from a new helicopter base at the Burlington Municipal Airport by late September, according to officials with the organization. The Burlington Common Council on Tuesday unanimously approved Flight for Life’s proposal, clearing the way for the plan. […]


Town refines pet noise ordinance

Update comes on heels of complaints By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Town of Burlington in recent weeks have received complaints of dogs barking from residents and decided at an Aug. 26 Town Board meeting to move forward with plans to change a portion of its ordinance. The change, which […]

Union Grove

Making it a Super (soapy) day

Union Grove’s Super Saturday on Aug. 28 featured all kinds of activities including these children making oversized soap bubbles on Main Street. The day’s entertainment included performances from the Dinder Brothers Family Circus, fire trucks on display from the Union Grove-Yorkville Fire Department and live music by Weird Science and […]


Masks optional at WUHS

Superintendent ‘very confident’ in plan for school year By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Following a pattern at Waterford’s K-8 feeder districts, high school officials recently outlined their plans for a “mask optional” start to the school year, which began Sept. 1. Superintendent Luke Francois discussed several aspects of WUHS’ kickoff of […]


Aquatic Center made a big splash in 2021

Facility had a banner season for attendance By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Jeanne Otter, director of the Burlington Community Aquatic Center, described the 2021 season in one word: Fabulous. The Aquatic Center, which saw limited attendance in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, reportedly brought in 46,420 people through Saturday […]


COVID hospitalizations spike in area

Increase is largely among unvaccinated, Advocate Aurora official says By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Advocate Aurora Health on Tuesday reported a sharp increase in hospital admissions for COVID-19 in the last week primarily because of the more infectious delta variant among unvaccinated people. The health care provider, which is the […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      When COVID-19 shut down most activities in the summer of 2020, the Burlington Community Aquatic Center was one of the few community pools to open in the area. Still, with reduced attendance, people worried what impact the restricted season would have on the non-profit operation’s bottom line. The good […]

Union Grove

Highway C to close for repaving

  Racine County Public Works plans to close a stretch of Highway C (Spring Street) in the Village of Yorkville on Monday, Aug. 30, for pavement replacement. The portion of highway, which runs from the Ives Grove intersection with Highway 20 on the east to the Highway 45 intersection on […]


The circus is coming

  The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus rolls into Waterford for two performances on Saturday, Aug. 28, at Ten Club Park. Show times are 2 and 4:30 p.m. The circus will be performed under a big top tent. Tickets at the door are $15 for adults and $8 for seniors and […]