
News from throughout Western Racine County.


WSD recall election set for Aug. 14

By Patricia Bogumil Editor The Waterford Town Board met in special session Tuesday morning to certify the validity of 695 signatures on a petition to recall Commissioner Bill Gerard from the Town of Waterford Sanitary District (WSD). The 695 valid signatures are 164 more than the 531 required by the […]


Check your computer before Monday

Infected computers could lose Internet access, BBB says Hundreds of thousands of Internet uses may lose their online access on July 9, 2012, and the Wisconsin Better Business Bureau is urging all consumers and businesses to run a quick and easy diagnostic test to see if their computers are infected. […]


All’s well that ends well

  By Patricia Bogumil Editor The Village of Waterford’s deep well went back online Monday, ending more than a week of major water restrictions in one of the worst dry spells in history. But that doesn’t mean water use restrictions for village residents is now water under the bridge, so […]


Budget blessing

State aid more than budgeted; BASD taxes may fall By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer Budget battle-weary Burlington Area School District taxpayers got some welcome news from the state late last week. After budgeting for a huge drop in state aid, the district learned that the actual cut would be far […]