
News from throughout Western Racine County.


D.A. tabbed for county judge seat

Nieskes will also run for Branch 5 seat in spring election Gov. Scott Walker on Dec. 13 appointed Racine County District Attorney Michael Nieskes to fill the vacant judge’s seat on the county circuit court. The appointment, which is only good until the spring election, gives Nieskes a leg up […]


Lessons for the classroom of life

BHS program helps prepare special education students for world of work By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer If you come down the main hallway at Burlington High School between the hours of 7:10 and 11 a.m. any morning of the week, you can find the B-Town Cafe. If you like coffee, […]


Mayor seeks donations for July 4 blast

He asks for community’s help to enhance city display With the time for ordering fireworks rapidly approaching, Burlington Mayor Bob Miller is reaching out to the community to help ensure residents have a bang-up time during the city’s July 4 observance. “I would like next year’s  (fireworks) display to be […]


City moves ahead with plant upgrades

Trimmed budget focuses on improvements not expansion By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer The City of Burlington Common Council approved five different resolutions Tuesday, the most expensive of which involved the funding of final design and construction management of improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. That item, estimated at $828,427, involved […]

Union Grove

Raymond School honors its top students

First Quarter Grade 5 – A honor roll: Beck, Owen; Betthauser, Paige; Campbell, Noah; Cerda, Julianna; Dixon, Destri; Dybedahl, Rebecca; Eschmann, Samuel; Fruth, Katie; Gerschwiler, Molly; Hansel, Luke; Hansen, Ethan; Hansen, Madeyln; Hoffman, Hailey; Hribar, Katelyn; Koelsch, Luke; Koelsch, Wyatt; Koerber, Kelly; Moore, Michaela; Passehl, Elly; Peterson, Anna; Radovich, Jeremy; […]


Good medicine or a bitter pill?

Some communities pleased with public health services, but others see it as a pain in the budget By Patricia Bogumil Staff writer Long before it became a national past time, Waterford Town Chairman Robert Langmesser has bashed the high costs of health care – especially the state-mandated kind that gets […]


A taste of Christmas spirit

WHS bakes up goodies to sweeten up the food pantry By Patricia Bogumil Interim editor Waterford High School student bakers have measured, stirred, blended, shaped and baked batch after batch of homemade cookies this holiday season. All (except for one cookie permitted per baker) were sent to Community United Methodist […]


Turbulent chapter is buried in rubble

City confident in its moves to revitalize DPW site, festival grounds By Ed Nadolski Editor in chief As the city’s former Department of Public Works facility on Milwaukee Avenue disappeared piece-by-piece at the hands of a demolition crew the past two weeks, it closed a turbulent year during which the […]

Union Grove

Ringing out a Red Kettle message for the season

This year, people aren’t the only ones to ring the bells By Julie Rossman Correspondent Every December in Union Grove, faithful volunteers from local service organizations camp outside of Mullberry’s Restaurant and at the Piggly Wiggly, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. Organizations that provide volunteers each year include:  […]