One of a trio of men charged with brutally attacking a man allegedly over his relationship with a woman appeared in court last week to face criminal charges for his role in the incident. Thomas Sobbe, 18, of Burlington, was charged July 13 with substantial battery-intending bodily harm, second-degree recklessly […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
RCEDC: Area economy still strong
But small business are feeling effects of the pandemic By Dave Fidlin Correspondent For all the challenges that have arisen throughout 2020 at the hands of COVID-19, economic development across Racine County has been strong, according to an organization devoted to economic development. Laura Million, business development manager with the […]
Waterford Lions Club to host drive-thru BBQ
While most of its fundraising events of the past six months have been wiped out by coronavirus, the Lions Club of Waterford will press on with its annual Chicken BBQ by converting it to a drive-thru event. The Chicken BBQ will be held Sunday, Oct. 4, from 11 a.m. […]
City installs ballot drop box
Voters can return completed absentee ballots to box at library By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Voters in the City of Burlington will have place to securely drop their ballots at the Burlington Public Library, 166 E. Jefferson Street, according to city officials. Diahnn Halbach, City Clerk, said the secure drop […]
Coronavirus continues to impact local schools
District had to convert first graders at Waller School to virtual learning By Mike Ramczyk Correspondent Last week, overnight, the Burlington Area School District had to make the tough decision to convert to virtual education for Waller Elementary School first-graders – more than 80 kids in total. One class of […]
In this week’s Standard Press…
Last spring at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, experts warned that there will likely be a resurgence of the disease come fall. It appears that prediction has come to pass as Racine County and the state continue to see sharp increases in the number of cases. It remains […]
Proceed at your own risk
Village sets date, but won’t endorse trick-or-treat By Dave Fidlin Correspondent While it is holding firm on its neutral stance on mass gatherings, Union Grove decision-makers have opted to recognize a time-honored tradition next month. The Village Board has set the date and time frame for this year’s trick-or-treat. It […]
Sheriff makes pitch to Village of Waterford
Village explores its long-term police options By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Summer racial unrest and the opioid crisis were among the weighty topics Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling touched on last week as he discussed the state of his department with Village of Waterford officials. Schmaling made an appearance at the […]
Plane crash victims identified
Same plane and pilot were involved in a 2012 crash By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Federal authorities have not released a final report of an Aug. 9 plane crash in the Town of Burlington. But the Racine County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the identities of the two people who were inside […]
Proposed elementary school boundaries unveiled
School Board could decide on proposed changes Oct. 12 By Jason Arndt Staff Writer The Board of Education for the Burlington Area School District could decide on new elementary school boundaries as early as its Oct. 12 regular meeting, district officials said Tuesday. The new boundaries, which have been the […]