A Walworth County Sheriff’s Deputy shot and killed a jail inmate Monday evening at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center near Elkhorn as the inmate was attempting to escape, according to authorities.
Jail inmate Alfredo Emilio Villarreal, 18, of Janesville, was at the hospital for medical tests when, according to a sheriff’s office press release, he attacked the deputy.
Villarreal repeatedly punched and kicked the deputy in the face and then used a chair in an attempt to smash a window and escape.
When that failed, authorities contend Villarreal attempted to hit the deputy in the head with the chair at which point the deputy shot Villarreal.
He died at the scene.
Villarreal was incarcerated in Walworth County on a probation and parole hold from the state Department of Corrections.
This story will be updated as more information is received. The Sheriff’s Office was scheduled to brief members of the press on the incident Tuesday afternoon.
What a shame.. Unfortunately, we best get used to this kind of violence happening even the Safest of places.. with 12 million more Illegals being allowed to stay here..and their Kids In our Schools … and not having Physicals and Mental Exams like Legal Immigrants have to go thru..
More Gangs and Violence and Crime = More Prisoners = more Trouble.. Lets rasis more $ to Hire More Police and pay them a Decent Living to deal with this problem.
What a Shame and a waste..
Condolences to this Young Mans Family and Thank you to the Police officer/Deputy for Doing what was necessary .. Being in the Army you never get over Shooting People , being justified or not..
He was not an immigrant…
Wow Dennis,the most important part of your comment is in the second paragraph when you said “rasis.” I’m pretty sure you meant “racist.”
This has nothing to do with illigals, or are you just sayng it because hes hispanic.? Wow
His grandparents were half hispanic and half white. His mother was white and his father was only half hispanic. Non of them were born outside of the U.S. They dont even speak spanish!. I knew them personally and for you to stereo type him is the worst thing. Racist much?
Most likely this kid has been making bad decisions his whole life and this last bad decision cost him his life. Hopefully the officer is OK.
You are an idiout for praising the mpolice for shooting a kid that’s 100-lbs dripping wet and a chair? The police have a bullet proof vest, mase, billy club, gun, tazer,and a radio, and the cop used deadly force? are you kidding me. John hopefully the officer is ok? You must not be a father and one selfish ass. Hire more cops, really. this kid was trying to escape and if that cop is that big of a wimp he shouldn’t be a cop.My prayer’s to the family
Dennis lets blame the immigrants hahah racist dumb people i tell you..making bad decisions who doesnt no one is perfect specially at that age..but did not deserve to die..its people that are idiots no one should be shot for that EVER, just shows how screwed up society is nowadays,he was unarmed, If the cop was better at his job, the kid would be alive. Twitchy, panic prone people are not suitable cops. Sadly,i bet this cop has some sort of remorse even tho its a useless emotion. Your remorse doesn’t change the fact that you killed an unarmed kid, that his family will mourn him for the rest of their lives.
Look I tell u like this I’ve been in jail and in prison so many times and what that cop did to that kid was screwed up cuz I know that kid was still in shackles cuz when I was in the hole I had my shackels on for when I use to take a shower so I know that kid was on shackels when he got killed and I know that for a fact!!!