Nation’s largest single-day food drive is Saturday
Area postal carriers, including those from Burlington, Union Grove and Waterford, will be helping to Stamp Out Hunger Saturday, May 11, while they deliver mail.
The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and Campbell Soup Co., have teamed up for the 21st annual food drive, which helps provide assistance to the millions of Americans struggling to put food on the table.
The Stamp Out Hunger food drive, held on the second Saturday in May, benefits Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. In 2012, letter carriers collected food donations from 10,000 communities, helping to put millions of meals on the tables of Americans in need.
Last year’s drive also marked the ninth consecutive year that people donated more than 70 million pounds of food to the Stamp Out Hunger food drive. But, with more than 50 million people, including nearly 17 million children, facing hunger in America – the fight for hunger- relief continues.
“The Stamp Out Hunger food drive is important for our local communities because it helps stock food banks and pantries for summer, a time when there’s an increased need for food assistance, especially for children who are out of school,” said Fredric V. Rolando, NALC president. “The letter carriers are committed to supporting the drive by picking up and delivering food donations to local Feeding America food banks and hunger-relief organizations in their markets.”
How to help
To participate in the Stamp Out Hunger food drive, residents are encouraged to leave a sturdy bag containing non-perishable foods, such as canned soup, canned vegetables, pasta, peanut butter, rice or cereal, next to their mailbox prior to the time of regular mail delivery on Saturday.
The nation’s 175,000 letter carriers, representing nearly 1,500 NALC branches in more than 10,000 communities, will collect these food donations as they deliver the mail and take them to a local Feeding America food bank or hunger-relief organization.
For more information, visit www.helpstampouthunger.com or www.facebook.com/StampOutHunger.
I prefer to Give a $5 McDonalds Gift Card instead
their Single Burger cost less than a Can of Soup and is more nutritious and filling..
And we Need to Make the Parents More Accountable..
They can even Come Mow my Lawn for $20 a week ( Use my Mower) and I bet for Hundreds of others in this Town and Many other towns,to let them Earn it and give them Pride for working for it..
and why not make all Welfare on a Loan Basis?
-I see many with HOmes- Paid for Home, getting Foodstamps,Free Telephones and Energy Assistance
then when they go back to work, they owe nothing back for carrying them and helping paytheir BillsKeep that Home and their Car and later? They sell it at a Profit..( Or they leave it to their Family in their Estate) If Not a Loan? Then Put a Lein on their Assets then! Something for Nothing is worth Nothing to people.. Give them Some Pride and Set the Example for their Kids as well. Always Pay back what you recieve..