Burlington, News

Assembly likely to take up medical marijuana bill

By Jennifer Eisenbart


    After fighting for the last few months just to get the Wisconsin State Legislature to even consider legalizing medical marijuana for seizure disorders, a Burlington resident saw progress this week.

    Sally Schaeffer has been fighting the last few months to get the Legislature to take up the legalization of medical marijuana – or at the very least, cannabidiol (CBD) oil. She found out earlier this week that the item (Assembly Bill 726) had passed out of the Assembly Committee on Children and Families, and will in front of the state assembly Tuesday.

    It is good news for Schaeffer, whose daughter, Lydia, is one of many children who suffer from seizure disorders. The CBD oil – made from a low THC content marijuana plant, therefore, eliminating the chemical “high” from the drug – has proven effective for children in Colorado in halting seizures.

    State Majority Leader Robin Vos said Tuesday that the news was positive.

    “(Committee members) were moved by the passionate stories from parents around the state,” Vos said. “It’s just another option for parents who are struggling to deal with a very difficult situation.”

    He also praised the work of Schaeffer and others who have advocated for their children, and for the passage of the bill.

    Schaeffer and other parents are looking for a different option than normal seizure medication, which can severely affect quality of life of a child. The medication also eventually becomes ineffective.

    Vos said the next hurdle could be more difficult.

    “My fear is that the Senate will not pick up the bill,” Vos said. “Now the job turns on making sure people keep up their efforts.”

    Once the bill reaches the Senate – should it pass the Assembly – it would go through the same process, including a committee hearing.

    However, the committee it could be sent to could possibly be one chaired by State Sen. Leah Vukmir, who has been a vocal opponent to the idea of legalizing medical marijuana – and even CBD oil.

    “She would need people to talk to her like Sally spoke to me, and other people spoke to their legislators,” Vos said.

    Schaeffer had no feel for whether the Senate would be ready to take up the fight.

    “I don’t know,” she said. “I didn’t know it was going to get to the Assembly, and it did.

    “More and more senators are becoming aware of it,” she added. “What are some of their takes on it? I have no idea.”

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