By Jennifer Eisenbart
The City of Burlington’s 2015 budget passed with little discussion or controversy Tuesday night at the Common Council meeting.
The vote was 7-1, with the lone nay vote coming from Alderman Tom Preusker.
“None of the questions I asked in the budget workshop were answered,” Preusker said. He declined to elaborate further.
However, while Preusker may have had issues, long-time Alderman Tom Vos praised the process.
“I think you did a great job,” Vos said to city staff at the meeting, adding that the budget was very clear.
The total tax levy for the general fund and debt service is $5.75 million. Tax bills will go up 1.85 percent, with the mill rate at $8.81 cents compared to last year’s $8.65 cents per $1,000 of property value.
In the recent city newsletter, the staff broke down costs for a family of four living in a home valued at $172,300 in the City of Burlington. The total monthly cost for all city services – including sewer and water – came in at $192.81 a month.
The breakdown:
• $68.65 for water and sewer usage.
• $42.89 for public safety, including police, municipal court and the city attorney.
• $28 for community services, such as streets, trash, recycling, snow removal and leaf pickup.
• $10.61 for fire services.
• $10.53 for general government, including the mayor, the city administrator and finance.
• $8.57 for recreation and leisure, such as parks, forestry, the Historical Society and the Senior Center.
• $7.84 for long-term financing, including debt repayment and interest.
• $6.27 for planning and equipment, including replacing equipment.
• $5.96 for the Burlington Public Library.
• $1.68 for building inspection.
• $1.18 for the health department and animal shelter.
• $0.66 marked other miscellaneous expenses.