Three years ago, Josie Swihart received a prized gift on her birthday – a cast-metal dinosaur that quickly became a landmark in the City of Burlington.
She named him “Dino,” and until the early hours of Sunday morning, he resided in the Swiharts’ yard on West State Street.
That is when someone took the hefty metal dinosaur from the yard, cutting through the chains that had him confined, and took off with him.
It is a theft that infuriates Josie’s mother, Kristi Swihart.
“I don’t care who’s got it,” she said. “I’ll tell the cops not to prosecute. I just want it back.
“They stole it from a 7-year-old girl,” she added. “It’s just wrong.”
It is a frustrating situation for Swihart and her three girls – Rebecca (12), Veronica (11) and Josie (7). The bright green dinosaur has never been an issue, and many in and around Burlington have become used to seeing the figure in the yard.
But in the early morning hours Sunday, a baffling theft occurred. In order to get the dinosaur, Kristi explained, someone would have had to have a bolt cutters to get through the chain.
And it also likely would have required two people to move it.
When she and her girls discovered the theft Sunday, she described it as “heartbreaking.”
“Shock and anger,” said Kristi of her feelings. “It was about 10 o’clock when we noticed.”
She said she had to then go tell her girls.
“I miss him,” said Josie. “(Taking him) was really mean.”
City of Burlington Police Chief Peter Nimmer confirmed the theft Monday, but had no motives.
“It’s under investigation,” Nimmer said. “At this point, we’re not sure on what the motive for taking the item was.”
That doesn’t matter to Kristi Swihart, who simply wants the dinosaur returned – not for her sake, but for her daughters.’
“People make mistakes,” she said. “Just bring it back to the girl who loves it.”