Burlington, News

Local students embrace message of peace

By Jennifer Eisenbart


For St. Charles School eighth graders Hannah Lois and Michael Fliess, a recent honor gave them a chance to live something that is close to their hearts.

The two were chosen to be “peace mentors” at the school, and as a result, got to spend Martin Luther King Jr. day at Gateway Technical College in Kenosha.

According to St. Charles Technology Coordinator Terri Lancour, students selected as peace mentors are “positive role models of what it means to be kind, caring and compassionate by including others, even when it is not easy.”

That something that both Lois and Fliess have taken to heart.

“Hannah and I always try to include everyone,” said Fliess.

Both are members of the Student Ambassadors Club at the school. According to them, students were nominated for the honor, and then voted on by the staff.

As a reward, they spent the day at Gateway on MLK Day. They witnessed a reenactment of the “I Have a Dream” speech, and also got a chance to listen to motivational speakers who talked about the importance of education.

“I think it really encouraged me to think before I act,” said Lois, who added that the day got her to think about her role at St. Charles.

“I guess I didn’t realize how much the eighth graders are role models for those within the school,” she said.

Both Lois and Fliess will head to BHS in the fall. Fliess said that he will use his time in high school to, among other things, address what he sees as a bullying issue.

“I think I definitely want to prepare myself for college,” he said. “I also want to try to be kinder to people.”

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