Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Voters throughout western Racine County will have a chance to cast their votes in a variety of municipal, school board and county board races on Tuesday.
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Check with your local municipality for polling places
Stories regarding specific races appear elsewhere on this site.
Check back here after polls close Tuesday night for results from the election.
Here is a list of polling places in the Burlington area:
• City of Burlington residents living in Aldermanic Districts 1 and 2 cast ballots at Cross Lutheran Church, 126 Chapel Terrace, and those in Districts 3 and 4 vote at Burlington United Methodist Church, 857 W. State Street.
Residents who don’t know where they should vote and those seeking additional information should call the city clerk’s office at (262) 342-1161.
• Town of Burlington residents living in Wards 1-8 vote at the Town Hall, 32288 Bushnell Road, and Wards 9-12 vote at the Bohners Lake Fire Station, 7211 McHenry Street.
For additional information contact the clerk’s office at (262) 763-3070.
• Town of Dover residents vote at the Town Hall, 4110 S. Beaumont Avenue.
For additional information call the clerk’s office at (262) 878-2200.
• Town of Lyons residents vote at the Town Hall, 6339 Hospital Rd.
For additional information call the clerk’s office at (262) 763-9936
• Village of Rochester residents vote at the village hall, 300 W. Spring Street.
For additional information call the clerk’s office at (262) 534-2431.
• Town of Spring Prairie residents vote at the Town Hall, N6097 Highway 120.
For additional information call the clerk’s office at (262) 642-7477.