The Burlington High School drama department finishes its 2014-15 slate of productions with “Almost, Maine” this Friday and Saturday.
Ticket cost is $5 for general admission seating, and both shows begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the door or through the BHS main office.
Director Carrie Fidler said students were exposed to the show during the 2013 one-act play season.
“(We) liked what we saw very much,” Fidler explained. She also said the show allowed for a fairly large cast, so as many students as possible could be involved.
Fidler said the show allows for a wide variety of strengths to be show by different students.
“It has been a very good fit for us,” she said.
“Almost, Maine,” features nine different stories about love and relationships shown through a series of vignettes.
Pete: Sawyer Gilding
Ginette: Jazzi Umbel
Glory: Jessica Smith
East: Landen Brown
Jimmy: Charlie Cantrell
Sandrine: Karley Nadolski
Waitress: Sarah Waltz
Steve: Gabe King
Marvalyn: Grace Boyle
Gayle: Emily Kastor
Lendall: Andrew Kawalec
Randy: Moses Crist
Chad: Cain Gann
Marci: Caitlin Fallon
Phil: Callum Leemkuil
Hope: Claire Turke
Daniel: Thomas Allen
Suzette: Abby Korb
Rhonda: Karley Nadolski
Dave: Sam Jorudd
Citizens of Almost, Maine: Emma Raboine, Amelia Hennegan, Peyton Hepner, Bryar Stenzel, Samantha Hennegan, Bailee Rueter, Jonah Fidler, Maddie Thompson, Corinne Aydelotte.
Directors: Tammy Albrecht, Carrie Fidler, Rob Thompson
Stage managers: Elisabeth Schopp and Kate McGinley
Lighting Engineer: Hunter Hough
Sound Engineer: Isaiah Graetz
Spotlight operators: David Kastor, Arial Goodluck, Rachel Mangold
Stage crew: Courtney Richter, Corinne Aydelotte, Kaitti Haas, Darren Fitch, Eli Harry, Matt Schmidt, Zach Schmidt