By Jennifer Eisenbart
The sign on the door of The Coffee House at Chestnut and Pine explains the situation pretty clearly.
“We explored all possibilities of staying open but we figured you wouldn’t want any dust in your coffee!”
The coffee house, which has become a center of art and music since opening two and a half years ago, will close Tuesday for a week so a large portion of a remodeling project – which will span the current space at 492 North Pine and the space next door at 484 North Pine – can be completed.
The coffee house will reopen Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 6 a.m. and, as general manager Carly Hurley explained, “We look forward to welcoming everyone back to a space that might look a little different but will also feel the same.
“We made the decision to close for a week so that we could optimize progress and basically get a lot done in a short amount of time,” she said.
The work crews will be reinforcing a beam in the structure as well as removing the existing bathrooms, moving them to the new space, reworking the front staircase and finishing the sprinkler system.
A temporary wall will remain in place for a few additional weeks until the front staircase is finished.
The project will expand the current kitchen and bakery, and also allow for more seating. An additional upstairs space that can be used for private parties will be added as well.
Owners Rhonda and Paul Sullivan received a $205,000 grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Council to fund the expansion.
So $500,000 less for BASD and $200,000 more for the Sullivans. Seems like WEDC chairman Scott Walker has his priorities straight. Glad to see a minimum wage job created in lieu of education.
Interesting point. Nailed it.
Having that business there will bring further investment in other buildings downtown. That’s going to be the anchor of the whole thing.
Who says it is going to be the anchor? Oh, that’s right the friends in govt did, taking over 200k from taxpayers and giving it to them. God forbid the marketplace decides. Why doesn’t Jabba the Hut Java get 200k? Give me 200k I’ll open up a anchor for downtown. Corrupt.
I agree 100%, this is one of the reasons i am moving.
your nuts, I have heard this mantra before. Lower taxes, less Government intervention and restrictions grows business, not ripping the taxpayers for your personal gains. Bunch of Hypocrites. And who hangs out in that place? Bunch of “Rhino’s”
Must not like coffee huh
Rename the place the taxpayers lounge and give out free coffee for 50 yrs – that ought to cover 200k in beans and water.
agreed again, I did not know this information before. Thank you I will never go back
Donate $2500 to the campaigns of Walker and Vos, receive a $205,000 WEDC grant. That is called smart investing. It’s working Wisconsin!
Follow the money … http://www.wisdc.org/database.html
Please tell us what to search? I put in the sullivan names and nothing showed up. But I agree with you too.
It is a really terrible database. Their search functions are awful.
Search by city first, but only enter Burlington.
Then from the list of cities, select Burlington, WI.
Then from the next page you can narrow the search of Burlington, WI by name.