A live nativity will be held Thursday on Christmas Eve at Squire’s farm, 27615 Church Road, Burlington. The services run every half hour from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The public is invited to this free event. English Settlement Church members and friends will play angels, shepherds, wise men and innkeepers.
The audience sits on straw bales as Scripture is read and all can join in the singing of Christmas carols. Hot cocoa, coffee and Christmas cookies will be served.
It will be the 47th consecutive year for the event. A special solo will also be sung by church members, and a different family will portray Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus at each service. There have been more than 250 babies used in the services over the years.
The Squire Farm is on 26715 Church Road. Take Highway 20 to Highway A (west of Highway N) and then south on Church Road and west to the farm.
For more information, call the Squires at (262) 534-6592 or (262) 534-6593.