By Vicky Wedig
Staff writer
An Aurora doctor who practiced at the Burlington facility for 18 years confirmed Tuesday she was asked to leave her practice abruptly March 6.
“I had to just leave during my office hours,” said Katarzyna Zaremba, who practiced internal medicine at the Aurora Burlington Clinic.

Zaremba said the abrupt closure of her practice with no transition services was disastrous for her patients, particularly the very sick who fell through the cracks. She declined to comment further until her termination is official 90 days from her departure.
Under her contract, Zaremba will receive severance pay and is prohibited from practicing medicine until she is officially discharged from Aurora 90 days from the date she was asked to leave.
Patients have rallied around Zaremba. David Corbett, owner of Gabby’s Palace where patients gathered April 3, appealed to Aurora to reinstate Zaremba.
In a letter to Dr. Nick Turkal, of Aurora, March 15, Corbett wrote:
“I have been a patient of Dr. Zaremba’s since she began practicing in Burlington. My blood pressure went through the roof and my physician at the time, Dr. Wheaton, was unable to get it under control. He suggested I see Dr. Zaremba. A mere four days later, she had my blood pressure under control, and I was on my way to recovering.
“She has been my physician since that time and has helped me though numerous medical problems. I have placed my complete trust, and my life, in her care.
“I am definitely not comfortable knowing she is not available to handle my care or to be turned over to another doctor that does not have her knowledge of my problems or the skill to handle my extreme situation.
“Please seriously consider my request. She was the best qualified doctor operating out of the Burlington facility – or any other for that fact. I’m sure you will find that she has many, many patients that feel the same way I do.”
Corbett received a response the next day from Dr. Jeffrey Bailet, senior vice president of Aurora Health Care, on Turkal’s behalf that referred to Zaremba “leaving her practice.”
“Dr. Zaremba has worked tirelessly for her patients as a long-term member of the Burlington Clinic. She has a large number of loyal patients who trust her and rely on her expertise,” Bailet wrote. “It is unfortunate that she is leaving her position but we will do everything possible to maintain continuity of care for her patients while we recruit an equally superb, dedicated physician. Respecting Dr. Zaremba’s confidentially precludes the provision of more detail surrounding her leaving Aurora.”
Zaremba said suggesting that Aurora will replace her with an “equally superb” doctor to patients whose families she has served for three and four generations is akin to telling a wife who’s lost her beloved husband of 35 years that an attractive 25-year-old will marry her immediately.
“Intellectually, it’s the same type of statement. That doesn’t work for people,” she said. “What you put in your heart for all these years, nobody can match.”
Dr. Zaremba has been our family doctor for many years, and I, for one, and my husband, for another will follow her wherever she eventually practices. No other doctor has ever spent the time and extended the care of Dr. Zaremba!
I have no faith in Aurora. They’ve made so many scary mistakes at that facility. I’m just waiting for Dr. Zaremba to find a place to practice and I will faithfully follow her!
That might b the problem they r only allowed so much time per my r.a. doctor gets alot of grief for spending to much time with patients. They let go of his nurse because she was getting a couple hrs overtime. He was pretty upset went to management. They said oh well.stuck her with a orthopedic doctor at another clinic. She was with him for 5 yrs.she new us just as well as he did.she helped with my insurance and anything else you needed
I will follow Dr. Zaremba to her new practice. I know there are many great and caring Doctors and nurses at Aurora but my loyalties are with her as my primary.
I will also follow Dr. Zaremba to her new practice. She is amazing and Aurora should be aware of ALL that Dr. Zaremba has contributed to their organization. I believe that they are only concerned with the bottom dollar and I refuse to contribute any further! Dr. Zaremba will be a complete success where ever it is that she decides to practice. I only hope that I will be able to find her. Hugs and a quick “keep your chin up girl and hold your head up high”! Though it is usually she saying those exact words to me…it is now my turn.
I think I am inclined to wait a bit before I return to the good Doctors care. These things happen for a reason and we do not know those reasons are. Mistake happen. Sometimes the wrong person is fired for the wrong reason and sometimes these things are warranted. Lives are at stake here so I’ll wait until I know more.
For those of you thinking about following Dr. Zaremba to wherever she goes, keep in mind your insurance coverage. I completely understand how u feel. I have a doctor that I would also follow if I could But some health insurance companies allow only certain medical facilities to be in their network. I also agree with waiting to see why the reason is. I would think it would have to be serious for them to dismiss her.
Dr. Zaremba is the best doctor I ever had at Burlington. I would like to follow her, 90 days is a long time.
Bobby Miller n co. say “I know Aurora is always right. Lets give em another 10 million they my buddies! My ‘non-profit’ buddies I mean”
Dr. Zaremba has been a very good and welcome asset to Aurora and no one can tell me otherwise. She cared deeply for both of my parents, was able to get their health under better control after Dr. Erickson retired and even went so far as to attend my mother’s wake when she passed from cancer. I worked for Aurora for a number of years and was even questioned on some terminations and many were honestly for not following the time policy..physicians are only allowed what the insurance claims is an average time for type of visits…So please keep in mind it doesn’t have to be “something serious” as I’ve seen many fired for refusing to cut down the time limitations if they felt a patient needed beyond the allotted time slots..I was once even told to hurry my doctor along or she’d be let go. There are many good and caring staff members but Aurora management is about money. PERIOD
I have been a patient for 16 years and she is the best doctor I have every had. She cares for you as if you are a part of her family. After 16 years no one knows my medial history as well as she does. To say you are going to replace with with someone equally superb is ridiculous. How is someone new going to know my medical history as well as her? Most doctors rush in and out and really don’t care who you are. She listens to all your concerns and treats you with sincerity. I have the utmost faith in her and will follow her where ever she goes.
Unfortunately this isn’t only happening at Aurora. ProHealth has done this as well, “but” they are replacing DOCTORS with Nurse Practitioners (charging the same fees as a doctor of course). They are NOT doctors, nor licensed doctors! Doctors are required to see a “so many” patients per hour and if they don’t meet their “quota” they are considered not profitable. Patients are tired of 10 minute visits and getting billed 200+ dollars. When a good physician spends their time with their patients, their health prospers, but the clinic or hospitals controllable interest decreases AKA profits! Dr. Zeremba took time with her patients and truly cared. Due to confidentiality reasons I’m sure Dr Zaremba’s departure will most likely never be known.
Looking forward to seeing where she practices.I will follow her.
Dr. Zaremba is my favorite. I do agree with other people it most likely was time spent with patients BUT THAT’S WHAT MADE HER SO SPECIAL SHE CARED. She is now in Beloit
Katarzyna I. Zaremba
1905 E. Huebbe Parkway
Beloit, Wisconsin
PHONE # (608)-364-2200
” due to circumstances beyond our and DR. Zarembas’s control” she “will be unable to continue to provide care to you and our community. Beloit Health System says.
That is a lic issue. Something happened somewhere.