By Dave Fidlin
Residents living within Waterford Union High School’s district boundaries could soon be asked to allocate additional dollars toward new athletic facilities and infrastructure by way of a binding referendum.
The WUHS School Board held a special meeting Oct. 12 to discuss the proposed revamp of the field house. School officials are considering a variety of scenarios, which could cost in the ballpark range of $9.5 million to $12 million.
WUHS Superintendent Keith Brandstetter said the district is looking into seven possible options as part of the school’s athletic facility revisions.
One of the greatest variables between the different options is the width of the proposed track lanes, which could range anywhere from 36 to 42 inches in length. Another sticking point, Brandstetter said, is the number of possible lanes — four or six are the strongest contenders at the moment.
While the price tag is large enough to draw attention, Brandstetter said the increase will not hit taxpayers’ wallets in a huge way — at least, not in the long run.
WUHS’ existing debt service for prior construction will soon drop off the ledger, meaning that particular component of the levy could be supplanted with the spending allocated toward the field house. Brandstetter also cited the dipping tax rate as a reason the spending project will not hit taxpayers hard.
About 30 residents and WUHS staffers and coaches attended this week’s special meeting, which included presentations by architects hired by the district to assist in planning the field house construction. Speakers largely favored moving forward with the project.
Depending upon when construction actually takes place, Brandstetter said there could be a few years of overlap between the final years of the existing debt service and the new money allocated to the field house project.
“We’re looking into the future with this kind of project,” Brandstetter said. “Now is the right time to do this because debt is still low.”
While many WUHS officials are adopted a “strike while the iron is hot” mantra to the project, Brandstetter said there also has been overwhelming support to be thoughtful and methodical throughout the planning process.
“We want to build something we will be proud of,” Brandstetter said. “We need to make sure we do it right the first time.”
Voters, ultimately, will have a final say in whether the project moves forward. Since the field house work would exceed the spending limits of WUHS’ general operating budget, state statutes require the district hold a referendum.
The WUHS School Board has not made a firm decision on when the actual referendum could take place, though February or April have been tossed out as likely prospects. The board could decide when the referendum is held at its regular November meeting.
If the February or April referendum is held, and the plan is backed by a majority of WUHS’ voters, a final design could be considered by June.
Actual construction could begin as soon as next September, and the new amenities could be unveiled as soon as fall 2017.
9.5-12 MILLION for extra curricular sports that are NOT part of a students GPA is a waste of taxpayers monies. Sports are important, but while “the Board” is using the football teams winning streak towards their advantage other school programs are suffering. Many students will not go to a 4 yr college, instead enter the trades, yet our Tech Ed dept continues to deplete. Band and chorus RAISES money to keep their program afloat. When have you heard of the Football team hosting a car wash? How many students will go on and play football after high school? A few? How many will own homes and wished they knew how to use a saw or replace a receptacle as they are paying someone 75.00 an hour? How many will pick up their instrument and continue to play, sing, play golf or softball? These programs are ignored. Is it because a few people on the board played sports and are reliving their HS days? “Spending taxpayer monies are to ADVANCE students EDUCATION”! When parents asked why we didn’t have a pool, the answer was “its to expensive and its an expense the of local municipalities if they want it”. (but 12M is acceptable for a field house, track and baseball field?) Equality! Stop spending taxpayers monies on sports alone allocate monies that can further EDUCATE students! Last question! WHAT is the projection before WUHS feels they will need to build a new school?
You’re right it is all about the money.
In this day and age, schools are forced to compete against each other. Open-enrollment students gives schools money. Students open enroll for athletic facilities and winning programs. They do not open enroll for music programs. It’s that simple. Schools will be forced to continue to upgrade athletic facilities in a hope to get open enrollment students (or keep their own) to make sure money continues to come from the state.
Will agree with you on all points except one – students DO open enroll to waterford for the music programs. What is one aspect that draws them? The beautiful auditorium they get to perform in. It’s that simple.
There is a novel idea, spending tax payers money on educating students. It would be interesting to picture what open enrollment would look like if a public school could offer the education opportunities that private schools offer. Wouldn’t it be nice to dip into that well and draw students from the pool of private academia?? UW Madison is a good example of this type of mentality; it is considered one of America’s Public “Ivy League” universities. In order to justify spending money on athletic programs it had to prove itself first as a worthy opponent in academics.
ALL extra curricular activities have their role to play in our student’s lives. But in their future lives students all too soon discover that how well they played football, or sang, or played a saxaphone will not give them the academic edge they need to land the job that will kick start their career. Balance and focus should be required not only of our students but of the governing bodies that make these decisions for our students.
@ Nikki, the Board needs to be more financially responsible to the taxpayers. Extra-curricular activities do NOT include music or the arts; those are accredited classes that do effect GPA’s. Football, baseball, etc are not. Imagine putting on your radio only to hear talk shows because music education is totally abolished, or watching tv or a movie and no music! I highly doubt many kids that played extra-curricular sports after graduation. But I assure you those who drew pictures, sung in choir or played in band WILL continue to do so after graduation. NOT every child will attend a 4yr college; more would enter the trades if our school promoted more Tech Ed classes instead of putting all these programs on the chopping block and allocating money towards field houses. I believe sports are important but I also believe they need to be partially funded by increased fees and fund raising. If accredited classes are required to earn money, there is NO reason sports shouldn’t be. Increase fees! There is NO reason a student can’t cut lawn, babysit, etc to earn money for a sport THEY elect to participate. WUHS stated in the future they would need a second school or a larger one. What is the projection regarding a new school? Before the board spends more taxpayer’s monies shouldn’t they consider the FUTURE and share that information with the public? I played sports, played in the band, worked full 20+hrs a week, had chores and went to college. Sports were fun but hung my jersey up after HS graduation, but not my instrument. The tech ed classes I took helped me immensely and should be a HS graduation requirement of all students. The Board fails to realize not every student will work in an office, many will work in the field, whether its a corn field or in the trades, maybe as a police officer or firefighter. How will a new field house, baseball field help anyone of these students achieve a more prosperous future over what’s available to them presently?
Reduce taxes instead!!!!
Ignorant comment.
You do realize that your taxes can go down EVEN while passing this referendum, right?
Attend a meeting and get informed.