By Jennifer Eisenbart
When the first motorcycle riders arrived with the roar of engines under a blue, puffy-clouded sky Sunday afternoon, the excitement of a gorgeous day seemed contagious at the Burlington ChocolateFest grounds.
When the loot those riders brought in also arrived – in the form of boxes of toys to aid the Love Inc. Christmas program this winter – the work started by Chuck and Karen Dexter some 21 years ago continued to pay off.
The Tri-County Riders Toy Run, which solicits toy donations along with monetary donations, drew between 500 and 600 riders Sunday. While the number of riders was down from other recent years, the event came close to pushing the total amount of money raised for Love Inc. over the 21 years to roughly $300,000.
With five stops on each of six routes and a toy box at each of the 30 locations, the number of donated toys was up even if the number of riders were down.
Love Inc. Director of Services Dena Corey said the riders filled two Love Inc. trucks full of toys.
“Even though the numbers were down, the amount of toys were up,” Corey said.
A non-profit organization, the Tri-County Riders runs the event each year to benefit Love Inc. Riders choose from six different runs, and get live music and hot food and beverages in the party that follows at the ChocolateFest grounds.
“The weather was just ideal for a motorcycle run,” said Corey. “That’s the one thing, with all the planning in the world, they can’t control.”
Ronda Lemons, the secretary for the Tri-County Riders, added, “It was a beautiful day.”
She won’t have any firm numbers until the Oct. 11 check presentation to Love Inc., but is confident a good amount was raised.
“Just the money donations were up quite a bit,” Lemons explained. “(We had) a lot more sponsors than we’ve had in the past.”
And for the 21st running of the event, Lemons thought all of the wrinkles had been ironed out.
“No hiccups,” Lemons said. “Everything went really well.”
After a minor accident with a few bikes last year, Lemons happily reported none this year.
“Everything was perfectly smooth,” she said.
Corey said later that she had been to many of the past Toy Runs, and she could not compliment the Tri-County Riders enough.
“We have about 40 members of the Tri-County Riders, who are committed all year long … with the only goal of making Christmas happen for the less fortunate families in our area,” Corey said. “They are just such a nice group of people.
“Every one of those bikers that come in is just so pleasant,” she added. “They’re all out there for a good cause. They’re just such nice people.”