By Jennifer Eisenbart
The City of Burlington will swear in its new police chief Tuesday at the City Council meeting, ending the interim period and making official the hiring of Mark Anderson.
Anderson, who has served as a lieutenant in the department since 2007, will replace Peter Nimmer, who moved on to Shorewood in May.
Mayor Bob Miller said Tuesday night that he was glad to have the contract finished.
“I’m just glad it’s over with,” Miller said. “I’m glad it’s done.”
He said the base salary on Anderson’s contract will be $90,000, plus the uniform allowance Anderson is already receiving.
Miller said Anderson stayed until the end of the negotiations Tuesday night in case the city council and he had to exchange counter offers. In the end, that didn’t happen, and agreement was unanimous, Miller indicated.
“Now we can move on and do the rest of the promotion,” Miller said, pointing to the fact the city will need to promote another officer or sergeant to assistant chief – and possibly another promotion to fill the open position that move creates.
Miller wasn’t the only one who was happy Tuesday night.
“I’m thoroughly excited,” City Administrator Carina Walters said. “I’m ready for Mark to officially begin as chief and start moving ahead.”
Walters said the main reason for the delay was waiting for test results – the same kind of testing that Walters went through to be hired as administrator.
In addition, she said that elements of the contract were being ironed out.
“That being said, all parties are extremely excited, and ready to begin the next chapter,” she said.
Anderson could not be reached for comment Tuesday evening. He has said in the past that, being from the area, he was “honored and excited.”
“My parents moved here in the mid-70s,” he said at the end of June. “Since that time, I’ve always considered Burlington to be my home.”
Congrats, Mark!
You’ve been with the BPD for years and it’s nice to see someone who’s committed to an organization get rewarded for it.
My best wishes to you as your forge ahead in your career and take control of the helm of this outstanding department, which has been served by many great police chiefs like Ron Patla, Dave Walsh and Peter Nimmer.
Keep up the good work and add your name to this long legacy!
All the best,
Mark Dudzik
I can’t agree with Nimmer being named as a “great police chief”. Many citizens of the community have no clue how much of a financial ride he took them for. Glad to see him go.
I will agree that it is nice to see an internal canidate chosen. There is a need to invest more in the city employees to make them quality canidates to run the respective department in the future. They have a vested interest in the city. Paying 30k a process for “professional recruitment” has not done Burlington any favors. As we have seen, Nimmer, Howard, and Lehner were expensive mistakes.
Good luck, Chief Anderson…..you have a good department behind you.