By Jennifer Eisenbart
As new City of Burlington Administrator Carina Walters signed on the dotted line Tuesday night, there was plenty of laughter and fun from the gallery.
But as Alderman Tom Vos joked, “Signing’s the easy part,” Walters replied simply, “Now the hard work begins.”
Walters officially became the city administrator Tuesday night after the Common Council voted unanimously to approve her hiring.
She is the first female city administrator in Burlington. She beat out six other finalists for the job, including Director of Public Works Craig Workman.
Walters said before the meeting Tuesday night that she was happy to be taking the next step in her career, especially after the three-day interview process.
“I really felt it would be a smooth transition,” Walters said. “I had a good feeling, but at the end of the day, a feeling’s a feeling.
“It felt good, it felt positive, it felt like a good fit,” she added. “I felt if I was offered the job, I would take it.”
Walters’ first official day will be April 9. She is set to be paid $110,000 annually.
Mayor Bob Miller and the council officially welcomed Walters Tuesday night with gifts for her husband and two children, as well as a cake made by City Clerk Diahnn Halbach.
But for all of the joy of the occasion, Walters was ready to get down to work. Coming from the City of Lake Forest, Ill., where she is currently the assistant city manager, Walters was quick to point out the similarities between the two communities.
“Which is what really attracted me to the position,” Walters said. “The hospital, and the expansion of the hospital. Whether it’s the excellent school districts, we have that as well.
“I don’t consider it small-town Burlington at all,” added Walters, who lives in Fox Lake.
She also knows she will have a number of challenges waiting for her when she arrives.
“I really look at it as opportunities to make a difference,” she explained. “I know we’ll be working on the hospital, and the TIF district there. I know we’ll be working on City Hall, and what to do there, and the city pool, and what to do there.”
But Walters added that she didn’t have any opinions as of yet, instead wanting to first do her homework.
“I really need to be able to look at all the facts as well as see what steps have been taken with the community,” Walters said.
Walters did confirm that she will be looking to move with her family to Burlington after seeing how the first year goes with the job.
At least the Mayor dressed professionally for the occasion.