Burlington, News

Poppy Days set

Since 1918 the traditional Red Poppy has been a symbol of tribute and caring.

It is a small thing to wear a poppy, but the act has great meaning. It is a tribute to the dead and the living who have sacrificed and risked their lives to protect our country and our American freedoms.

Members of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 79 of Burlington and Legion members will be distributing, never selling poppies on Saturday, May 16 throughout Burlington.

All donations must be used to benefit veterans or their families.

One Comment

  1. Like the flowers themselves which spring forth from the earth as the temperatures rise, these auxiliary members of the American Legion are always blooming with good ideas to help serve the underprivileged members of society.

    What’s only a miniscule donation from you will pay great dividends for the sector of the community that’s in great need of your stewardship, so buy a few of these ornate flowers and wear them with pride, knowing you helped others.

    It’s a small sacrifice for what the members of the American Legion gave to our country, so be sure to give them a heartfelt, “Thank You” to them for serving us as they did to ensure our freedoms we often take for granted.