By Dave Fidlin
In the first two years of its rollout, Waterford Graded’s Title I preschool program has been successful, school district officials say.
Two years ago, alongside intense discussions concerning the implementation of bringing a 4-year-old kindergarten program to the district, Waterford Graded board members weighed the merits of adding Title I preschool, which is specifically targeted toward children with academic needs.
Since Title I preschool was added at the onset of the 2013-14 school year, WGSD officials have reported improved academic progress from the several dozen students who have participated in the program.
At a WGSD Policy and Curriculum Committee meeting June 8, several early education staffers who have been closely involved in Title I preschool reviewed statistical data that suggests the program is meeting students’ needs.
Title I preschool is extended each year to only a small contingent of the district population, based in large part to the specialized, one-on-one attention that is given to help students prepare for kindergarten and beyond.
Kathy Hoppe, assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction, said diagnostic testing is conducted throughout the school year in a number of areas, including word and sound recognition and motor skills.
In all instances, this year’s Title I preschool participants met his or her individual benchmarks. With a few exceptions, WGSD officials reported the young participants met larger overarching state standards as well.
Committee members were enthusiastic about the progress when Title I preschool was discussed early this month.
“It’s exciting to see the growth that takes place over the course of a school year,” board President Dawn Bleimehl said.
Federal grant dollars go toward funding Title I preschool.