Burlington, News

City delays action on trash bin requirements

By Jennifer Eisenbart


A proposed switch in how to deal with garbage in the downtown business district of the City of Burlington was tabled Nov. 8 after a heated discussion on just what the city was trying to accomplish.

The City of Burlington Plan Commission was considering amending the ordinance in the B-2 central business district, creating trash container and garbage receptacle requirements. However, with that area being mixed used – including tenants living in apartments above the businesses – there were questions raised by many who came to the meeting.

In order to clarify the situation on whether fencing would be required, zero lot line issues with some buildings and what would be required for garbage pickup, the item was tabled until next month’s meeting.

Building Inspector Gregory Guidry said Monday he expects the issues to be resolved in time for the December meeting.


Other business

Other ordinances addressed at the meeting:

  • The commission approved a change to the city’s fencing ordinances, mainly to allow fences up to four feet tall in yards facing streets. The change is primarily being made to allow homeowners to control animals.
  • The Plan Commission also eliminated the requirement that electrical contractors be licensed with the city, since they now need to be licensed with the state. They also changed the ordinance regarding plumbing and building construction to align with state agencies and codes.


In progress

  • The City of Burlington tabled an item dealing with a revocation hearing for Jeff Way at 1157 Milwaukee Ave. – what was originally planned as a used car lot in 2007 but has since become what many consider and eyesore parking lot and building.

The commission was advised that city officials were working with Way to try to resolve the issue again, which happened in 2011 as well. It was indicated that Way was cooperating, and a delay was requested to see if the issue could be resolved.

  • The Plan Commission also approved the planned drive-through window for the Jimmy John’s store coming to 980 Milwaukee Ave. retail complex, and a change to the multi-jurisdictional comprehensive plan for Faith Chapel’s planned expansion at 672 W. State St.

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