Burlington, News

City meetings will air online

By Jennifer Eisenbart


After four months of questions and debate, Mayor Bob Miller drew a line for his City Council Feb.17.

“This is the last kick at the cat, guys,” said Miller regarding a proposed contract to provide web streaming and electronic agenda planning for council meetings.

“I’m not putting this back on the agenda for more discussion,” he added.

And after council members posed a few more questions, the vote went 7-1 in favor of contracting with Swagit to make the City Council meetings available over the web.

Included in the $16,490 first-year cost will be the initial set-up and installation, as well as software for Swagit and for AgendaQuick – the program city staff will then use to electronically file agendas.

From there, the city will pay $11,940 a year. A calculation of staff time showed that there would be a savings of $1,280 a year by using the agenda management software.

Most members of the council were enthusiastic about the web streaming as well, saying the process would allow for added transparency.

“I think this is an important tool and I think we should approve it,” said Alderman Jon Schultz.

The lone nay vote came from Alderman John Ekes.



Also approved

The council approved a number of other agenda items at the meeting, including:

  • A contract with Baxter & Woodman Inc. for $26,300 to study possible solutions for radium in municipal water well No. 11 and for expected strontium removal mandates from the Department of Natural Resources.
  • An ordinance allowing the city’s building inspector approve final sign requests in the historic downtown area.
  • Approval for the city to declare special assessment powers for sidewalk repairs. A public hearing is scheduled for March 15 to discuss the work, which is needed on Amanda, West Chestnut, Edward, Garfield, North and South Kane, Kendall, Lewis, Orchard, Origen and Walnut streets, as well as Chicory and High Ridge Roads, South Perkins Boulevard and Viewcrest Terrace.

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