Burlington, News

Council set for online streaming

By Jennifer Eisenbart


After four months of questions and debate, Mayor Bob Miller drew a line for his City Council Feb.17.

“This is the last kick at the cat, guys,” said Miller regarding a proposed contract to provide web streaming and electronic agenda planning for council meetings.

“I’m not putting this back on the agenda for more discussion,” he added.

And after council members posed a few more questions, the vote went 7-1 in favor of contracting with Swagit to make the City Council meetings available over the web.

The council was scheduled to meet Tuesday evening, but cancelled both the Committee of the Whole and the Common Council meeting due to lack of a quorum.

Included in the $16,490 first-year cost will be the initial set-up and installation, as well as software for Swagit and for AgendaQuick – the program city staff will then use to electronically file agendas.

From there, the city will pay $11,940 a year. A calculation of staff time showed that there would be a savings of $1,280 a year by using the agenda management software.

Most of the council was enthusiastic about the web-streaming as well, saying the process would allow for added transparency.

“I think this is an important tool and I think we should approve it,” said Alderman Jon Schultz.

The lone nay vote came from Alderman John Ekes.

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