The Burlington High School pep – and rock ‘n roll – band “Orange Crush” will make its television debut Thursday.
The band will be featured on the Wisconsin Public Television show “Wisconsin Life,” the final episode of the season of which will air Thursday at 7 p.m. on WPT and 9:30 p.m. on Milwaukee Public Television (Channel 10).
The pep band is unusual, turning game nights into full-fledged rock concerts. As a press release from the show stated, “In an era when many athletic events rely on recorded music or dusty arrangements of ‘Louie, Louie,’ the larger-than-life band generally consists of a lead singer, guitar, keyboards, bass, drums and a horn section.
Most members of the band are high school students, and the group is led by Karcher Middle School choir director Rod Stoughton and retired Burlington Area School District music teacher Ron Pederson.