A Karcher Middle School student and her apparent boyfriend were both charged as adults in Racine County Circuit Court Wednesday after the girl allegedly gave a hit list to her boyfriend Tuesday.
The girl, 15, and her 14-year-old boyfriend, were both charged with conspiracy to commit second degree intentional homicide Wednesday. Both were put in juvenile detention, according to the criminal complaint list issued by the Racine County District Attorney’s office Wednesday.
According to the complaint, the girl allegedly gave a list of specific names to the boy through Facebook. The girl’s mother found the messages and went to the school, where Principal Jill Oelslager called the school resource police officer.
When confronted, the girl allegedly admitted to giving the list to the boyfriend. The boy reportedly said he only agreed to give the girl the feeling “he had her back,” and wouldn’t have killed anyone. However, a large pair of school scissors were in the boy’s locker, though he said they were for another purpose.
Update Thursday, Dec. 8:
On Thursday afternoon, Burlington Area School District Superintendent Peter Smet sent the following letter to parents of students in the district regarding the incident:
“Dear Parents and Guardians:
“We want to make you aware of a situation that occurred in our district.
“It has been reported that after school hours and out of school two Karcher Middle School students used text messaging and social media to discuss harming other students. When school officials became aware of the situation, they reported the information to the Burlington Police Department and the police took over the investigation. There is no active threat to students, staff or the community.
“Several news outlets have reported on the situation. As the situation has been referred to law enforcement, it is from news reports that we have learned that the students were charged. Once the situation goes to the legal system we get the information at the same time and same way as the general public.
“As always, our priority is to educate your children in our district and ensure the safety of all within our district. The school district, following its guidelines to protect the privacy rights and legal rights of students, won’t be releasing the students’ names.
“We will keep you informed if there is information that directly impacts your students or our schools.
“Peter Smet
Burlington Area School District”
Look for in-depth coverage of the incident in next week’s print edition of the Burlington Standard Press.