Burlington, News

Reineman’s consolidating Burlington stores

By Jennifer Eisenbart


Burlington’s two Reineman’s True Value stores have begun the process of consolidating into one store.

Previously, the store was in two different buildings in Burlington Square – the main hardware store, and the outdoor/sports center. By the end of the year, the store will be located only in the hardware building, 417 Milwaukee Ave.

Jeff Koenen, the vice president of Reineman’s Inc., said the store is consolidating in order to control expenses. Currently, with two stores, there is a good detail of what Koenen called “duplication of efforts.”

“With two buildings, we have two buildings to insure, two utility bills to pay, two sets of payroll,” Koenen said.

Cheryl Ahler, president at Reineman’s, added, “We’re consolidating so everything is under one roof.”

Koenen said the store would be eliminating a lot of old merchandise – “stuff that hasn’t sold in years,” he said – and expanding into new areas. Among the new items will be more giftware items, more classic hardware (plumbing, etc.), and a wider variety of merchandise.

The move will also allow Reineman’s to better display Stihl merchandise – outdoor power equipment like chainsaws, weed trimmers and backpack leaf blowers. There is also now an archery test range in the main store.

Koenen said the business will not be eliminating any items that have sold in the last year, and all services are remaining, including rentals. There will be no layoffs. Koenen added that the store has recently hired six new employees.

Both stores are in a state of transition. If customers can’t find what they are looking for, he cautioned them to ask for it.

“They need to ask,” he said. “And hopefully we’ll be able to find it.”

For more information, contact Reineman’s True Value at (262) 763-3577.

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