Burlington, News

Students making plans for Denmark trip

By Jennifer Eisenbart


A group of Burlington High School students who have played host to students from Denmark twice in the last two school years will get a chance to make a reciprocal trip.

The Burlington Area School District School Board unanimously approved the motion for planning to move forward for a small group of students to travel to Denmark in April. While final travel dates have yet to be established, the group is expected to leave April 4 or 5 and return April 10.

BHS teacher Josh Dow is trying to hold costs under $1,500 for each student. Host families will be used instead of hotels – the same practice with the students who visited Burlington from Roskilde, Denmark.

Students would spend two days in Danish schools, then spend time with their host families touring the area before coming back on April 10.


Other business

Two proposals from the School Board Curriculum Committee were unanimously approved Monday night:

  • A new class called Intro to Band will be made available for students starting in the 2017-18 school year. The class is designed to give students who were unable to enroll in band at the elementary or middle school level to play as a beginner at high school and potentially move into performing groups.
  • The projected cost for BHS youth options courses of $37,465 was also approved. The cost covers a statewide program where high school students can take college credits through various universities as long as the courses are not otherwise offered at the high school.

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