Grove’s Henderson finds naming inspiration from cousin
By Jason Arndt
While Kelsey Henderson was raising her pig for the Racine County Fair, she couldn’t think of a name for the 248-pound crossbred, until her little cousin gave her inspiration.
The inspiration, she said, came after Brayden Wilks-Demuysere, 4, spent time on the family farm walking pigs.
“Brayden loves to come over and walk pigs and do everything with the pigs and so he wanted to name him Knockout,” said Henderson, an incoming senior at Union Grove High School, where she is an FFA member.
With a name like Knockout, it was only fitting her pig would win Grand Champion Market Hog at the County Fair on July 25.
Henderson also showed a 1,319-pound steer the following day and was bestowed champion in the Chianina category.
So, just how is she able to balance raising two different animals for the same fair?
The answer boils down to her family – namely parents Craig and Sue Henderson – who have helped her along the way.
“I wouldn’t be able to do it all without my family,” she said. “My family is a huge part of it. A family that shows together, grows together.”
Her family also includes of Madisyn, 14, who showed a 263-pound crossbred pig and 1,248-pound Maine Anjou steer.
Last year, Madisyn captured the Grand Champion Market Hog crown, winning with a pig she called Ace.
Kelsey Henderson, who is a Yorkville 4-H Club member, said she is fortunate to have a family willing to pitch in wherever needed.
“I am just really thankful for them, my sister, my mom and dad. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to do it,” said Henderson.
Henderson, who plans to attend Iowa State University, looks to show her Chianina beef steer at the Wisconsin State Fair in August.
Meanwhile, recent Waterford Union High School graduate Cole Weinkauf won Grand Champion Showman, exhibiting a 278-pound crossbred pig.
In addition, Weinkauf collected Reserve Grand Champion with a 265-pound Hampshire pig.
To read the entire story see the Aug. 1 edition of the Burlington Standard Press or the Aug. 2 edition of the Westine Report.